This is an example of ELB and 2 EC2 phpapps, and one DB MySQL server
The EC2's are now based on ubuntu 14.04 AMI
Web Server is nginx
The output of the terraform apply will display the web ip address
This presumes that there is a file in your home directory ~/.aws/credentials.tfvar that looks like:
access_key = "AKIblaBLaBlABLA"
secret_key = "wQh1blaBLAblAbLaBLAbla"
region = "us-west-2"
terraform apply -var-file="~/.aws/credentials.tfvar"
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-west-1' terraform apply -auto-approve -var-file="~/.aws/credentials.tfvar"
the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION keeps it so you don't have to keep answering the input question of "what region"
this stack will create: 1 VPC with IP of
Route 53 Entries
DHCP Entries
1 Private subnet
1 Public subnet
2 security groups - Web App and Database
2 EC2s
Apache HTTP Server
MySQL Instance
MySQL - create TABLE mytable and insert an entrie Once the simple1 stack is complete:
find the Public IP address:
aws ec2 describe-instances|grep PublicIp
run a command in your browser to read from the database: http://PublicIpAddress/calldb.php
Log into the phpapp server and run host mydatabase.libratech.internal responce: host mydatabase.libratech.internal
Notes: This line is required in order to get the DB EC2 system to have a Gateway Internet Access depends_on = ["aws_route_table_association.PrivateAZA"]