D4O_PREPROCESS.job is the main script to submit a job
> bsub < D4O_PREPROCESS.job
If everything is good. It will create a folder inside the same directory.
YYYY/MM/YYYYMMDDHR/* And you can see all the files inside the same folder, TS* all.
Now how to change date, input, output, and thinning,
1. Open D4O_PREPROCESS.job 2. EVENT=201904. Change the date 3. INPUTDIR=/data/csp/ss35621/BIG-DATA For input data 4. thinning=16. Change here for thinning 4 or 16 as per requirement 5. source /data/csp/${USER}/d4o/install/INTEL/source.me 6. Note binary files are available in /data/csp/sm09722/d4o/install/INTEL/d4o/bin
# Done! # You are ready to use the files.