$ yarn add @swan-io/lokalise-sync-cli
First, provide a LOKALISE_API_KEY
environment variable, containing your Lokalise API Key.
Create a lokalise.config.js
file at the root of your project:
module.exports = [
name: "your-app-name",
id: "your-app-lokalise-id",
defaultLocale: "en",
paths: {
src: "/your/app/absolute/path",
locales: "/your/app/locales/absolute/path",
$ lokalise sync
Syncs your projects (pulls and pushes).
$ lokalise pull
Pulls up to date translations from lokalise.
$ lokalise push
Pushes translations to lokalise.
$ lokalise clean
Removes keys that aren't in the reference locale anymore.
$ lokalise lint
Checks that translations are in the correct format.
$ lokalise find-unused
Logs values that aren't used in your projects.
$ lokalise remove-unused
Removes values from your translations files if they aren't used in your projects.