v0.1 - Release Candidate 1
First release candidate for version 0.1.
Code should be final apart from bug fixes. Still needs additional tests and getting started documentation.
RC1 contains:
- Basic model containing variables and constraints
- Basic variables
- Boolean
- Integer
- Basic expressions
- Constants
- Boolean
- Integer
- Boolean logic
- And
- Or
- Not
- Relational expressions
- Equals
- Not equals
- Lesser than
- Lesser or equals
- Greater than
- Greater or equals
- Basic arithmetic expressions
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Integer division
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Constants
- Boolean constraints
- Basic variables
- Model factory methods for creating variables
- Visitor pattern for traversing the model
- Solver implementations
- ChocoSolver
- OR-tools
- System tests
- JavaDoc documentation
- Maven Central Repository release