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Data analysis workflow example using R notebooks.


Please ask questions if you have them.

Install software:

  • R
    • Click the download link for your OS.
    • If you have a previous installation, I would still recommend downloading and installing the latest version.
  • RStudio
    • Select the link for your OS (usually in the blue box under 2. the top) and follow the instructions.

  • Git

    Important: when installing, choose "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt"! Otherwise, defaults should be OK.

    • Git on Mac. In a terminal, run
    xcode-select --install

    or install Homebrew and then

    brew install git


R Packages

  • If you had RStudio open when you installed Git, close RStudio.
  • Start RStudio
  • Click the Console panel and run the following command.
    "tidyverse", "devtools", "knitr",
    "arrow", "babynames", "curl", "duckdb", "gapminder", 
    "ggrepel", "ggridges", "ggthemes", "hexbin", "janitor", "Lahman", 
    "leaflet", "maps", "nycflights13", "openxlsx", "palmerpenguins", 
    "repurrrsive", "tidymodels", "writexl"

This will probably take while.


  • Go to GitHub and hit Sign Up

  • If you can, use your email when registering!

  • Tips on picking a username1: .footnote[1Thanks to Happy Git with R!]

    • Incorporate your actual name! People like to know who they’re dealing with. Also makes your username easier for people to guess or remember.

    • Reuse your username from other contexts, e.g., Twitter or Slack.

    • Pick a username you will be comfortable revealing to your future boss.

    • Make it timeless. Don’t highlight your current university, employer, or place of residence.

    • Avoid words laden with special meaning in programming, such as NULL and NA.


Git/Github setup in RStudio

  • In the Console in RStudio, copy and paste the code below, replace #YOUR NAME# and #[email protected]# with your full name and BU email address, and run
usethis::use_git_config( = "#YOUR NAME#", = "#[email protected]#"

so for example, I would write

usethis::use_git_config( = "Daniel Sussman", = "[email protected]"

  • Next, we're going to set up your authentication for Github. Run
usethis::create_github_token(description = "MA 415 SP2022")

This will open a tab in your browser to create a new Github personal access token. (You might need to sign in first.)

Make sure not to close the tab.

On this page, click on "30 days" underneath "Expiration" and click "Custom..." and choose "12/22/2022" as the expiration date.

Scroll to the bottom and click "Generate token".

Make sure not to close the tab.

  • Go back to RStudio and run

If it asks select 2 by typing 2 and pressing enter.

When you get to ? Enter new password or token: , go back to your browser and copy the token and paste it in the console and press enter. The token will look something like 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.

  • Next, run

This adds some items to your global .gitignore that will help avoid common problems and increase security.

  • Finally, run

This will give a summary of the situation with Git and Github and should indicate your Name, Email, and the fact that you set up a Github PAT.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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