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Constraints for Go Generics

The Go team has published a proposal for generics in Go.

The proposal describes contracts as a way of constraining type parameters. Please read the proposal for details, but, briefly, a contract is a short function body, using a generic type parameter:


contract Add(t T) {
	t + t

This contract, Add, would be used to require that the operator + should apply to type T.

Here I'd like to present an alternative to contracts: constraints.

Constraints limits what types may be substituted for a parameter in a generic definition, in two ways:

  • Require types to implement interfaces.
  • Limit what underlying types a type may have.

Why underlying types

Several people have suggested using interfaces to constrain types. The idea is very appealing in that it uses a construct already in Go. Interfaces, however, have the limitation that they cannot express applicabillity of operators.

For that I believe underlying types are ideal. In Go, the question of whether an operator may be applied to a type comes down to what underlying type it has. In fact, the contract Add above implies that T's underlying type must be either string or one of the numbertypes.

In my opinion the contract Add expresses that in an unnecessarily convoluted way.

Go's type system is very strict in that:

  • The use of operators is determined by underlying type.
  • The operands of arithmetic- or comparison binary operators must be of same type. For arithmetic operators the type of the result will be that of the operands.
  • Legality of casts between types is determined by underlying types.

This strictness is a big asset of Go, and should be taken advantage of.

Constraining with interfaces

So this proposals first way to constrain a type parameter is requiring it to implement an interface. Let's say we have:

type Loggable interface { 

We can use Loggable in a generic declaration:

func (type T Loggable) DoLog(t T) {
	T.Log() // Allowed because T is constrained by Loggable 

Instantiating DoLog whith a type not implementing Loggable is an error.

Underlying types

The second way of constraining is limiting what underlying types a type parameter may have. An underlying type constraint is written as a comma separated list of allowed underlying types enclosed in curly braces. Eg.

{uint8, uint16, uint32}

means the underlying type must be uint8, uint16 or uint32.

We can use this in a generic declaration:

func(type T {uint8, uint16, uint32}) Mul(t1, t2 T) T {
	return t1*t2

Here the compiler knows that * may be applied to any of T's possible underlying types, and hence to T. Also, due to the strictness of Go's type system, we know that t1*t2 will yield a result of type T.

On the other hand, a declaration like this:

func(type T {string, uint8}) Mul(t1, t2 T) T {
	return t1*t2

would give an error, as string is an allowed underlying type, and it does not support the multiplication operator.

Instantiating Mul with a type of which the underlying type is not in the allowed set, is an error.

Combining constraints

Constraints may be combined using the & operator (conjunction):

Loggable & {uint8, uint16, uint32}

This constraint will be satified by a type implementing Loggable and having one of uint8, uint16 or uint32 as its underlying type.

An example:

func MulAndLog(type T Loggable & {uint8, uint16, uint32})(t1,t2 T) {

Here, the compiler knows from T's possible underlying types that * may be applied. It knows that the result of the multiplication is of type T, so method Log() may be invoked.

Some combinations are useless, say: {uint8} & {uint16}, as a type cannot have two underlying types. The compiler should issue an error when encountering an unsatisfiable constraint.

Named constraints

A constraint may be given a name. For that we introduce a new keyword, constraint. An example:

constraint MyConstraint Loggable & {uint8, uint16, uint32}

MyConstraint may now be used in generic declarations like:

func myFunc(type T MyConstraint) (t T) ...

Or in the creation of new contraints:

MyConstraint & SomeOtherInterface

Generic constraints

Constraints may be based on generic interfaces:

type interface(type T) Cloneable {
	Clone() T

func copy(type T Cloneable(T)) (t T) {
	return t.Clone()

Also, when map, slice, array or channel are used as underlying type, they may depend on type parameters. Ie:

constraint ListOf(type T) {[]T}

Generic constraints may not involve constrained type parameters. Ie. this:

type MyInterface(type T SomeConstraint) {...}

func myFunc(type U MyInterface) (...) {...} // Error

is not allowed.

Nor any constraint declaration of form:

constraint MyList(type T SomeConstraint)... // Error


There will be one built-in constraint: Comparable. To satisfy Comparable a type must be just that - comparable, ie. have a comparable underlying type.

An example use of Comparable:

type Map(type K Comparable, V) [K]V

Comparable is logically equivalent to a constraint listing the infinite set of comparable fundamental types as underlying.

Standard constraints

A number of constraints will be so common that they should be included in Go's standard library. These include:

constraint Addable {string, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64,
     uint, int8, int16, int32, int64, int, float32, float64,
	 complex64, complex128}

constraint Arithmetic {uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint,
	 int8, int16, int32, int64, int, float32, float64,
	 complex64, complex128}

constraint Integer {uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint,
	 int8, int16, int32, int64, int}

constraint PositiveInteger {uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint}

constraint Ordered {string, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint,
	 int8, int16, int32, int64, int, float32, float64}

(Obviously one can bikeshed about the names.)

Comparing constraints

In principle a constraint could be represented by a pair made from the set of method signatures and the set of allowed underlying types. If the constraint is about interfaces only, the set of underlying types is the set of all possible underlying types.

If C1 and C2 are constraints, the following rules apply:

  • The method set of C1 & C2 is the union of C1 and C2's method sets.
  • The underlying type set of C1 & C2 is the intersection of C1 and C2's underlying type sets.
  • C1 and C2are equal if their method sets are equal and their underlying type sets are equal.
  • C1 implies C2 if both of these conditions hold :
    • C1's method set is a superset of C2's method set
    • C1's underlying type set is a subset of C2's underlying type set.
  • A constraint is unsatisfiable (and an error) if it's set of underlying types is empty.

Partial instantiation

A generic type may be used in another generic declaration if the compiler is able to verify that constraints are satisfied. For example:

type Foo(type T C1) ...

func f(type U C2)(Foo(U) foo) ...

Here C2 must imply C1 for the declaration to be valid.

Built in functions

Go's built in functions may be applied to type parameters if the parameter is constrained to have underlying types that support the built in function in question.

Specifically, with T a generic type parameter:

Type functions

  • func make(T Type, size ...IntegerType) Type: T's underlying type must be map, slice or array.
  • func new(T Type) *Type: Will work for any type.

Container functions

  • func append(t T, elems ...U): The underlying type of T must be []U
  • func len(t T) int: The underlying type of T must be a slice, string, channel, array or pointer to array.
  • func cap(t T) int: The underlying type of T must be a slice, a channel, an array or a pointer to an array.
  • func close(t T): The underlying type of T must be a writeable channel.
  • func copy(dst, src T) int: The underlying type of T must be a slice.
  • func delete(t T, key K): The underlying type of T must be [K]V for some V.

Assigning and Casting

Consider, in a context where t is of generic type T and x is some (non-generic) expression:

t = x
t = (T)x

Let's say T is constrained to a finite set of underlying types. Then assume, for each possible underlying type u, that T is defined as:

type T u

and check the validity of the expressions above according to Go's rules. If that checks outfor each underlying type, the expression may be used in a generic definition.

If the set of possible underlying types of T is inifinite (ie. T is not constrained wrt. underlying types or T is just constrained to be Comparable ) the expressions above are not valid.


Constraints have no presence at runtime. It is not possible to cast to constraints, declare variables to instantiate constraints or to use reflection to query about constraints.

Optional features

What's written above is the core of my proposal. Here follows a few additions that could be nice to have.

I'll go though them in descending nice-to-have'ness order.

Static switch

Consider this Max function:

func Max(type T Ordered)(t1,t2 T) T { 
	if t1 < t2 {
		return t2
	} else {
		return t1

We would like to extend this function to types that are not Ordered, but have a method LessThan:

interface ComparesTo(type T) {
	LessThan(t T) bool 

func  Max(type T ComparesTo(T))(t1, t2 T) T {
	if t1.LessThan(t2) {
		return t2
	} else {
		return t1

We can't have these two definitions at the same time as overloading is not allowed.

To solve this we introduce static switch:

func  Max(type T)(t1, t2 T) T switch {
	case T Ordered:
		if t1 < t2 {
			return t2
		} else {
			return t1
	 case T ComparesTo(T):
		if t1.isLessThan(t2) {
			return t2
		} else {
			return t1

The rules are:

  • A static switch may only appear in generic function declarations, and only at the top level, immediately after the method signature
  • Each case expresson constrains one or more type parameters. Inside that branch methods and operations allowed by the constraints may be used.
  • fallthrough is not allowed.
  • On instantiation with a concrete type, the compiler runs through the cases, applying the first where the the constraints is satisfied.
  • If no cases match, the compiler issues an error, in this case something like type must be Ordered or Lessable.

If a function depends on more than one generic type, it could look like:

func F(type T1, T2)(t1 T1, t2 T2) Returntype switch {
	case T1 C1, T2 C2: 
	case T1 C3, T2 C4: 

with C1, C2, C3 and C4 being constraints.

One may find the (ab)use of switch obnoxius, but I think the idea of guarding code blocks with constraints has merrits.

Unlike overloading, which is heavily used in C++, there is no ambiguities on what to apply, and the ability to specialize generic definitions is important.

Generic arrays

With whats described so far we can specify that the underlying type should be an array, eg:


This is not very flexible, as it doesn't allow abstraction with respect to array length, so we could extend the underlying type notation to allow wildcards for arraylength.

The constraint


whould then allow any array of uint32 as underlying type (Not to be confused with {[]uint32} which allows slices of uint32).

Arrays aren't used that much in Go programming (explicitly, that is) and I don't expect generics to change that. It might be useful for heavy numeric calculations (like matrix multiplication) but then again an optimizing compiler may be able to make calculations through slices as fast as calculations don directly on arrays. I don't know, actually.


The proposal does not offer any way to specify that a type parameter must have a field.

One could add that capability in a couple of ways:

  • Extend Go's interfaces to specify fields. This is probably not going to happen. I believe something like this has already been proposed on Go's issue tracker (not in the context of generics, though) and rejected.

  • Add some way of specifying fields to the constraint syntax. Eg:


    to constrain a type to have a field Id of type uint64.

    It could be used like:

    func ShowId(type T .Id:uint64)(t T) {

    Evidently the syntax could be varied in several ways.

In a previous version of this proposal I included fields in constraints, but I have since dropped them, as I don't think they are important enough to warrant the complexity they introduce.

Concluding remarks

This proposal is an alternative to the contracs idea that the Go team has forwarded.

I think there is a worthwhile discussion to be had, on whether traits of generic type parameters should be specified 'by code' or by a more 'direct' declaration.

As you may guess I'm not a huge fan of specification by code. It feels to me like a form of unit-testing at compile-time, and I believe that it will lead to a high level of complexity, if not in implementation then at least in readability.

Another question is whether this proposal is a good one, or whether some other declarative approach would be better.
It is highly probable that better approaches exists, but I'm putting this forward, hoping that it may add value to the discussion on Go generics.


This is version 2 of my constraints-for-go-generics proposal. Major changes since version 1:

  • Constraining Types to have specific fields have been omitted, simplifying things considerably.
  • Syntax has been adapted to match the generics proposal from the Go team.
  • Paragraphs that where not deemed specifically pertinent to constraints have been ruthlessly removed.


A proposal for generics in the Go language using constraints







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