Moving from React + Redux
to RiotJS + Redux
, I've been unable to find
a convenient way to use Redux
store in Riot
I've glanced through a number of approaches and packages,
but all of them lacked granular tag updates
and their API wasn't convenient enough for me.
This package aims to provide a base for effortless connection
of your Riot
tags with your Redux
store in maintainable
and performant way. Whenever your store updates, your tags will be updated
granularly i.e. only tags that are accessing changed parts
of the Redux store will be updated, not the whole application.
attempts to be consistent with
react-redux connect
Although not all react-redux
features are currently implemented,
still covers most popular usecases.
Missing react-redux
features could be implemented in the future
(if there will be demand on them).
requires riot 2.3.16 or later.
npm install --save riot-redux-connect
This assumes that you’re using npm package manager
with a module bundler like Webpack
or Parcel to consume
version to use without module bundler
is not provided currently.
It may be added in the future though (if there will be demand on it).
also uses WeakMap
es6-feature for memoization.
Babel does not transpile it, so if you're supporting non-es6-browsers
you should:
- either make sure that you provide
polyfill (it is included inbabel-polyfill
) - or provide custom memoization function
parameter (will be explained further).
import riot from 'riot';
import riotReduxConnect from 'riot-redux-connect';
import store from './store';
riotReduxConnect(riot, store);
document.body.innerHTML = `<some-tag></some-tag>`;
import { someAction, otherAction } from './action-creators';
import { selector, otherSelector } from './selectors';
<button type="button" onclick={someAction}>Some action</button>
<button type="button" onclick={otherAction}>OtherAction</button
function mapStateToOpts(state) {
* selectors are functions that are receiving state plain object
* and returning plain object with the data derived from state;
* selectors may ease the pain of refactoring state shape;
* they can also improve perofrmance by leveraging memoization;
* for further info see
return {
infoReceivedFromRedux: selector(state),
otherInfoFromRedux: otherSelector(state),
const mapDispatchToMethods = {
this.reduxConnect(mapStateToOpts, mapDispatchToMethods);
provides only one (default) export:
A factory function that binds Redux
-store to Riot
global context.
Binding is implemented in special tag method (documented further),
provided via riot global mixin,
that this function creates under the hood. Although the name of this method
could be configured, we will refer to it as reduxConnect
for convenience.
So, you can use reduxConnect
method on any tag you want to have
connected to the Redux
global context -
-store -
] (Object): If specified customizes the behavior ofriotReduxConnect
; it accepts following options:-
] (String): a method name to use in global mixin instead ofreduxConnect
] (Function): a function to be called on each granular tag update by default (eachreduxConnect
call may override it on per-tag basis).Main purpose of this function is to attach
-extracted data (let's call itstateOpts
) andRedux
-dispatch-bound methods (let's call themdispathMethods
) to the tag instance.Function is called with tag context as
as arguments.Default function implementation merges
with tag'sopts
and assigndispatchMethods
to be the direct methods of tag instance -
] (String): an opt name to use by default to putRedux
method to, when no explicitmapDispatchToMethods
argument is passed toreduxConnect
] (String): defines the name for the special event, which triggers re-calculation of redux-dervied opts and dispatch methods of the tag. Default to simpleredux-sync
value.This is mostly needed when you have selectors that depend on tag opts, and once those opts are updated you need to somehow get an updated redux-derived props and dispatch methods. You can also override this special event's name on the per-tag basis (see option
further). -
] (Boolean): iftrue
the default behavior of preventingriot
's' auto-updates in action creators will be disabled for all tags; (by default this option set tofalse
automatically updates tag after any DOM-event handler was invoked in the contents of this tag. When you're using action creator as an event handler, you're getting double update (one auto-update byriot
and one auto-update byriot-redux-connect
). That's whyriot-redux-connect
tries to detect when action creator is used as an event handler and to automatically sete.preventUpdate = true
to get rid of excessiveriot
auto-updates in those cases. You can disable this behavior by settingdefaultDisablePreventUpdate
, if you are not agree withriotReduxConnect
for some reason. You can also override update-preventing behaviour on per-action-creator basis (see optiondisablePreventUpdate
further). -
] (Function): custom memoize implementation to use instead of the default one that usesWeakMap
should accept a function and return its counterpart memoized by using first argument reference as a key.
This function is provided as a tag method (with configurable name)
by the means of riot global mixin
implicitly defined by riotReduxConnect
It connects the tag on which it was called with the Redux
- injecting the relevant data and methods into tag instance .
- updating the tag instance on every change to the store data that this tag instance uses
You can call it on any tag you want to have connected to the
-store, but note thatreduxConnect
method should be used:
- only once per tag (otherwise error will be thrown)
- prior to tag's initialization (i.e. do not use it inside tag lifecycle events)
mapStateToOpts(state, [tagInstance])
] (Function): If this argument is specified, the tag will subscribe toRedux
store updates. This means that any time the store is updated,mapStateToOpts
will be called. The result ofmapStateToOpts
must be a plain object, which by default will be merged to the tags’sopts
. If you don't want to subscribe to store updates, passnull
in place ofmapStateToOpts
argument can be used to access tag'sopts
(or other properties/methods) in order to parametrize selectors somehow. Note, however, that if those properties/method return values will change on tag update,Redux
-extracted data will not change immediately with them. It will only change after next dispatch.You can circumvent this by triggering
event on tag instance whenever you need it. Beware of inifinite cyclical updates though; make sure that update loop will break at some point (memoizing your functions could help with that).The
function's first argument is the entireRedux
store’s state and it returns an object to be passed as props. It is often called a selector. Use reselect to efficiently compose selectors and compute derived data. -
mapDispatchToMethods(dispatch, [tagInstance])
] (Object or Function): If an object is passed, each function inside it is assumed to be aRedux
action creator. An object with the same function names, but with every action creator wrapped into adispatch
call so they may be invoked directly, by default will be assigned to be the tag instance methods.riotReduxConnect
is also checking if those action creators are used as DOM event handlers and in case they are, riot auto-updates is automatically disabled on them (unless you've setdefaultDisablePreventUpdate
, of course).If a function is passed, it will be given
as the first parameter andtagInstance
as a second parameter. It’s up to you to return an object that somehow usesdispatch
to bind action creators in your own way. (Tip: you may use thebindActionCreators()
helper fromRedux
). Note that riot auto updates does not disabled in this case, so beware of double-updates on connected tag!tagInstance
argument can be used to access tag'sopts
(or other properties/methods) in order to parametrize action creators somehow. Note, however, that if those properties/method return values will change on tag update,Redux
-dispatch-bound data will not change immediately with them. It will only change after next dispatch.You can circumvent this by triggering
event on tag instance whenever you need it. Beware of inifinite cyclical updates though; make sure that update loop will break at some point (memoizing your functions could help with that).If you do not supply your own
function or object full of action creators, the defaultmapDispatchToMethods
implementation just injectsdispatch
into your tag’sopts
. -
] (Object) If specified, further customizes the behavior of thereduxConnect
. In addition to the options passable toriotReduxConnect
(see those above),reduxConnect
accepts these additional options:-
] (Function): a function to be called on each granular tag update.Main purpose of this function is to attach
-extracted data (let's call itstateOpts
) andRedux
-dispatch-bound methods (let's call themdispathMethods
) to the tag instance.Function is called with tag context as
as arguments.Defaults to the
value ofriotReduxConnect
argument. -
] (String): an opt name to use to putRedux
method to, when no explicitmapDispatchToMethods
argument is passed toreduxConnect
.Defaults to the
value ofriotReduxConnect
argument. -
] (String): defines the name for the special event, which triggers re-calculation of redux-dervied opts and dispatch methods of the tag. This is mostly needed when you have selectors that depend on tag opts, and once those opts are updated you need to somehow get an updated redux-derived props and dispatch methods.Defaults to the
value ofriotReduxConnect
argument. -
] ([String]): array of names of the properties inmapDispatchToMethods
object (formapDispatchToMethods
function this options does nothing), for which the default behavior of disabling riot's auto-update (on DOM event handler calls) should NOT work.Defaults to the
value ofriotReduxConnect
Using multiple store is discouraged by Redux methodology, so please use this way only if you're know what you're doing.
import riot from 'riot';
import riotReduxConnect from 'riot-redux-connect';
import store1 from './store1';
import store2 from './store2';
riotReduxConnect(riot, store1, {
mixinName: 'connectStore1'
riotReduxConnect(riot, store1, {
mixinName: 'connectStore2'
document.body.innerHTML = `<some-tag></some-tag>`;
import { store1Action, store2Action } from './action-creators';
import { store1Selector, store2Selector } from './selectors';
<button type="button" onclick={store1Action}>Store1 action</button>
<button type="button" onclick={store2Action}>Store2 action</button
state => ({ infoFromStore1: store1Selector(state) }),
{ store1Action }
state => ({ infoFromStore2: store2Selector(state) }),
{ store2Action }