- 👋 Hi, I’m @surfingjoe (Joseph OMara)
- 👀 I’m interested in developing AWS projects to help others who want to study AWS , I'm interested in the automation of AWS (most likely with Terraform, Ansible & Fargate)
- 🌱 I’m currently ptracticing AWS Solution Architecture, and comparing Cloudformation, Terraform, Ansible for infrastructure and configuration management as methods for AWS release management
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Ansible projects & establishing practice projects for those wanting to learn AWS architcture
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
There are many ways to automate in AWS, using CloudDeploy, CloudFormation, Elastic BeanStalk, Opsworks and/or launch templates for autoscaling. So far, I have found each of these methods, while fairly easy to write in JSON or YAML, are a bit unforgiving when mistakes occur in the code. Error messages sometimes misleading or down right deceptive with these tools. So far my opinion, when it comes to Infrastructure as Code tools, Terraform and Ansible ROCK!
Recently, I have had tremendous success launching infrastructure as code using Terraform for standing up VPC infrastructure and Ansible for configuring the patching and application deployement/configuration. I am in the process of creating study projects using AWS, Terraform &Ansible. Both Terraform and Ansible are open source, with the ability to setup support contracts. So price wise, very attractive and massively successful in many businesses.