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Suresh KUMAR Mukhiya edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the IDPT wiki page. This wikipedia will get you started with the development work.



  1. You need to have [nodejs]( installed. Any version between 8-latest should work. If you do not have nodejs installed, follow their documentation site it get it installed.

  2. Make sure you have yarn or npm installed.

  3. Intall MongoDB.

  4. Install and configure git on your computer.

  5. Getting started. Follow the instruction here:

Once you have Prerequisite installed, you are ready to get started.

Step 1: Clone the repository.

git clone

Step 2: Get inside the backend folder inside the repository.

cd idpt/backend

step 3: Make sure your mongoDB is up and running. Copy .env_example and create a new file .env. You need to add following environment variables to .env file.


Note MONGODB_URI is mandatory one so, if you just have the correct mongodDB URI, the application should run.

step 4: Run the backend.

yarn && yarn start

If your configuration and everything is correct, it should run the API at given port. You should be able to see the screenshot as shown below. Note the message that says MongoDB connected.

Screenshot 2020-10-07 at 15 13 46

  • If you have error message and does not say mongodb connected, try to verify if mongoDB is running correctly.

step 5: Run the frontend. Navigate inside the frontend folder in a NEW terminal:

cd frontend && yarn 

To run the frontend, run yarn start

yarn start

Once it compile, you should have frontend running at a given PORT, 3000 usually. By now, you should have 2 terminal, once running backend server and one running frontend.


Open the link in any browser and you should be able to see the frontend.


Congratulations! you were able to run the framework.

Happy Coding !

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