Twitter challenge (My Twitter Application)
Author : Suraj kumar singh
Email : [email protected]
Follow : Facebook | Twitter | Linkedin | Github | Hackerrank
This twitter challenge contain code that can retrieve user data after authentication by RestApi service of Twitter and also analyse the sentiment of tweet (like Positive , Negative , Neutral).User can download the tweets and followers list for given user name and also can move that data on google drive too .
Bootstrap : v3.3.7
jQuery : v1.10.2
FPDF : v1.81
Twitter API : v1.1
Google API : v2.0
Sentiment Analyser : v1.0
- Visit
- Click on login to twitter (This page lead you to twitter, where you have to authorise this application to go further).
- After authorised with twitter, page will lead you to go home.
- Can see the User profile information.
- Display 20 tweets from usert-timeline in the User timeline section.
- In home your 10 tweets will displayed in slider, and 10 followers will displayed in followers section.
- There is a Auto search box for the followers when we type name of any followers that will showup immediatlly (Upto 75000).
- After select of any followers it will display 10 tweets of respective follower from user timeline.
- Will download all followers and tweets of user .
- In this application followers and tweets can be downloaded in CSV , PDF , XML formats (Upto 3200).
- It is also possible to take backup of followers (upto 75000) and tweets(upto 3200) in google drive (Have to authenticate with google ).
- In home click on any download it will give a option to be download in particular format.
- Twitter
- Assets
- css
- database
- img
- tmp_data
- bootstrap
- css
- js
- fonts
- includes
- config.php
- Usres.php
- lib
- auth (Twitter Auth Libraray)
- fpdf
- google_lib (Google Auth Libraray)
- Sentiment Analysis
- Assets
Download this github repo.
Create a Twitter developer account from here and get app authentication details.
Change the authenticate info in config.php .
Create a Google developer account from hereand get drive access authentication details.
Set the Google Authentication Info in followersUploader.php and tweetsUploader.php file
$client = new Google_Client(); $client->setClientId('PUT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'); $client->setClientSecret('PUT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'); $client->setRedirectUri('PUT_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL'); $client->setScopes(array(''));
Import the database and Change the Users.php database configuration.
$dbServer = 'host_name'; $dbUsername = 'database_username'; $dbPassword = 'password'; $dbName = 'database name';
scrutinizer click here
- Tweets can be download up to 3200 of given user name.
- Downlaod can be done in CSV , XML and PDF as well as on Google drive.
- The sentiment analyse libaray is taken from the and modfied the required funtion according the need of this project.
- Sentiment analyse is classified the tweet as Positive or Negative or Neutral.