The code provides a simple implementation of an Employee Manager system using Java and MySQL database. The system has two main classes: Employee and EmployeeManager.
The Employee class represents an employee and has instance variables for employee ID, name, age, department, and salary. It also has getters and setters for each variable.
The EmployeeManager class is responsible for managing the employees. It has methods for adding a new employee, updating an existing employee, deleting an employee, and retrieving a list of all employees. These methods use JDBC to interact with the MySQL database.
The add method inserts a new row into the "employee" table with the employee's information. The update method updates the row in the "employee" table with the employee's information that matches the given employee ID. The delete method deletes the row from the "employee" table that matches the given employee ID. The getAllEmployees method retrieves all rows from the "employee" table and creates a list of Employee objects to return.
In the EmployeeManager constructor, a connection to the MySQL database is established. This connection is then used by the methods to perform the necessary database operations.
Overall, this code provides a simple example of how Java and MySQL can be used together to create a basic employee management system.