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A GUI to TEASER++: A fast and robust point cloud registration library


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GUI for TEASER++ and 3DSmoothNet

This fork provides a simple GUI for the original TEASER++ project (without PCL dependencies) and 3DSmoothNet descriptors (, as well as instructions on how to compile TEASER++ and 3DSmoothNet for Windows. The GUI is written in Python using PyQT, so it can be run on Linux as well.

Main window of the GUI

3DSmoothNet correspondences search

About TEASER++

Left: correspondences generated by 3DSmoothNet (green and red lines represent the inlier and outlier correspondences according to the ground truth respectively). Right: alignment estimated by TEASER++ (green dots represent inliers found by TEASER++).

TEASER++ can solve the rigid body transformation problem between two point clouds in 3D. It performs well even if the input correspondences have an extremely large number of outliers. For a short conceptual introduction, check out our video. For more information, please refer to our papers:

If you find this library helpful or use it in your projects, please cite:

    title={TEASER: Fast and Certifiable Point Cloud Registration},
    author={Yang, Heng and Shi, Jingnan and Carlone, Luca},
    url = {},
    pdf = {}

If you are interested in more works from us, please visit our lab page here.

About 3DSmoothNet

The Perfect Match: 3D Point Cloud Matching with Smoothed Densities (CVPR 2019).

PDF | Group Page

Zan Gojcic, Caifa Zhou, Jan D. Wegner, Andreas Wieser

We propose 3DSmoothNet, a full workflow to match 3D point clouds with a siamese deep learning architecture and fully convolutional layers using a voxelized smoothed density value (SDV) representation. The latter is computed per interest point and aligned to the local reference frame (LRF) to achieve rotation invariance. Our compact, learned, rotation invariant 3D point cloud descriptor achieves 94.9% average recall on the 3DMatch benchmark data set, outperforming the state-of-the-art by more than 20 percent points with only 32 output dimensions. This very low output dimension allows for near realtime correspondence search with 0.1 ms per feature point on a standard PC. Our approach is sensor- and sceneagnostic because of SDV, LRF and learning highly descriptive features with fully convolutional layers. We show that 3DSmoothNet trained only on RGB-D indoor scenes of buildings achieves 79.0% average recall on laser scans of outdoor vegetation, more than double the performance of our closest, learning-based competitors.


! Update: We have submitted a revised version of the paper to Arxiv for correcting the typo.


If you find this code useful for your work or use it in your project, please consider citing:

	title={The Perfect Match: 3D Point Cloud Matching with Smoothed Densities},
	author={Gojcic, Zan and Zhou, Caifa and Wegner, Jan Dirk and Wieser Andreas},
	booktitle={International conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR)},

Setup on Windows

Using precompiled binaries


  1. MinGW32 GCC == 9.2.0 (with mingw32-pthreads-w32-dev checked during installation)
  2. The latest vc_redist package
  3. PCL == 1.10.1 (
  4. CUDA Toolkit, NVIDIA GPU drivers, cuDNN SDK (to run 3DSmoothNet, for more information refer to the tensorflow's installation manual

Python requirements:

  1. Python == 3.7
  2. PyQt == 5.12.3
  3. numpy == 1.14.5
  4. open3d == (earlier versions might not work)
  5. tensorboard == 1.14.0
  6. tensorflow-gpu == 1.14.0
  7. tqdm = 4.31.1

The GUI is written in Python, therefore does not require compilation. However, TEASER++ and the input parametrization of 3DSmoothNet are written in C++. This repository provides the respective binaries compiled with Visual Studio 19 version 16.6.2 and GCC version 9.2.0 on Windows 10 for the 64-bit processor architecture.

In order to run the GUI using the pre-compiled binaries, one just has to setup the Python environment. For this first clone the repository:

git clone

Then create a conda environment / pip install the dependencies:

conda env create --file environment.yml # For Anaconda
pip install -r requirements.txt         # For pip

After that the GUI can be run as:

cd GUI
conda activate teaser-gui # If using Anaconda

Note that because the binaries were compiled with MSVC and GCC their dynamic libraries must be discoverable. Make sure that vc_redist (Visual C++ redistributable package) as well as MinGW GCC are installed and discoverable (add them to the system PATH variable). Finally, make sure that the Point Cloud Library (PCL) is installed and discoverable.

Building from sources


  1. MinGW32 GCC == 9.2.0 (with mingw32-pthreads-w32-dev checked during installation)
  2. Microsoft Visual Studio 19 (to build 3DSmoothNet input parametrization block)
  3. CMake >= 3.10
  4. PCL == 1.10.1 (
  5. CUDA Toolkit, NVIDIA GPU drivers, cuDNN SDK (to run 3DSmoothNet, for more information refer to the tensorflow's installation manual

Building from sources requires the MinGW GCC compiler to build TEASER++.

First, download and install PCL, NVIDIA environment, CMake and Visual Studio. After that build TEASER++ libraries and the module used by the GUI.

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Configure and build TEASER++
mkdir build
cd build
mingw32-make.exe # Make sure it can be found in the PATH system variable
cd ..

# Build the module used by the GUI
cd GUI
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..

To compile 3DSmoothNet's input parametrization block:

cd TEASER-GUI\smooth_net
mkdir build
cd build
cmake DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Then open the 3DSmoothNet.sln with Visual Studio, right click on 3DSmoothNet in the solution explorer and select Build to build the project.

Finally, compile the module used by the GUI:

copy_dlls.bat # install the built libraries to run the modules used by the GUI
cd GUI
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..


The main window of the GUI allows to run TEASER++ and view two point clouds, their initial and computed alignments.

Load data

In order to load point clouds click at "Point clouds" in the top bar menu, then "Load source cloud..." and "Load target cloud...". This will open a file dialog in which the user should select a *.ply file representing the point cloud to load.

Load correspondences

To run TEASER++ first generate or load the correspondences (pairs of indices of points in two point clouds). To load correspondences from an existing file click at "Correspondences" -> "Load from file...". This will open a file dialog in which the user should select a *.txt file containing correspondences in the following format:

point1_index_in_cloud1 point1_index_in_cloud2
point2_index_in_cloud1 point2_index_in_cloud2
pointN_index_in_cloud1 pointN_index_in_cloud2

Generate correspondences using 3DSmoothNet

To generate correspondences using 3DSmoothNet click at "Correspondences" -> "Compute with 3DSmoothNet...". This will open the following window:

Here, the user can randomly sample the indices of points for which the descriptors will be computed, or input them manually in the two text boxes: "Source cloud keypoints" and "Target cloud keypoints". Nore, that the number of keypoints should be equal for both point clouds.

Finally, choose the size of the voxel grid, number of voxels in a side of the grid and the width of the Gaussian kernel for smoothing. The size of the voxel grid is given in the point cloud units and should be chosen so, that the neighbourhood of each point contains at least 10 points. For more information, refer to the 3DSmoothNet paper.

Once the settings are finalized, click at "Compute and match descriptors". This might take some time (depending on the selected settings and the point clouds) and will generate a file:


The sampled keypoints will be saved in the files:

TEASER-GUI\GUI\temp_src_keypoints.txt TEASER-GUI\GUI\temp_tgt_keypoints.txt

The input parametrization will be saved in the directory:


The generated descriptors (as *.npz numpy arrays and *.txt files) will be saved in the directory:


Running TEASER++

Finally, to run TEASER++ click on the button Run TEASER++ in the main window, preliminarily modifying (if necessary) the respective settings. For more information regarding the meaning of TEASER's parameters refer to the original TEASER++ paper. Note, that noise_bound defines the expected level of noise in the input point clouds. One can try changing the default value to achieve better alignment.


A GUI to TEASER++: A fast and robust point cloud registration library







No packages published


  • C++ 70.0%
  • Python 24.3%
  • CMake 4.3%
  • MATLAB 1.3%
  • Batchfile 0.1%