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Implementation of a SuperApp based referral system.
Incoming streams can be split up into several outgoing streams, according to the config set in the contract.
The remaineder stream is forwarded to the merchant, such that the contract never holds any funds (other than dust due to rounding artifacts).

On contract creation, a supported SuperToken, a merchant, a referral fee table, a protocol fee recipient and a protocol fee are specified.

(Normal) referrers

The primary way to specify referers is most flexible, as it allows individual stream opening transactions to designate arbitrate addresses as referrer.
When streaming to this SuperApp, a referrer address can be specified in userData. If a referrer is defined, a share (defined by the referral fee table) of the incoming stream is forwarded to the referrer.

The referrer is also persisted by the contract in order to allow for multi-level referrals.

The referral fee table allows to have a multi-level referral system and is implemented as a simple array of ints.
The first array item specifies the share for the first level (direct) referrer in parts per million.
The second item specifies the share for the second level (indirect) referrer in parts per million.
In theory an arbitrary number of levels could be supported, but due to the block size limit, that's not possible in practice. Up to 10 levels is safe though.

Special referrers

A special referrer is an entity specified in the referral contract by the owner with the method setSpecialReferrer().
It can be used to reward referring platforms, wallets, etc.

In order to keep calldata small, a cAddr (compressed address) is created for every special referrer set in the contract.
The cAddr is returned by setSpecialReferrer, which also emits an event SpecialReferrerSet with cAddr as one of its arguments.
This cAddr can be used for identifying the special referrers in stream opening calls.

In order to reward special refererrs, the userData needs to be encoded differently: Instead of encoding just a referrer address, you can additionally encode up to 2 special referrers, like this:

address referrerAddr = ...; // the "normal" / organic referrer
uint32 specialReferrer1Id = ...; // cAddr of first special referrer
uint32 specialReferrer2Id = ...; // cAddr of second special referrer. Set to 0 if none to be set.
bytes4 reseved = bytes4(0); // has no effect, reserved for future use. But must be set for correct memory layout.
bytes memory userData = abi.encodePacked(reserved, specialReferrer2Id, specialReferrer1Id, referrerAddr);

Important: you MUST use abi.encodePacked for this to work. If the data is not packed, it won't work as expected.

Protocol fee

If specified on contract creation, a protocol fee will also be taken from incoming streams.

Address Compressor

AddressCompressor.sol is a simple contract which maps EVM addresses to 4-byte addresses aka cAddr.
This is done by simply incrementing an uint32 for every new entry and casting that to a hex value.
While this can of course cover only a small fraction of all possible addresses, it nevertheless provides a namespace as large as the ipv4 address namespace, which in the context of a blockchain is quite a lot.
The contract is deployed deterministically using and can thus be made available at the same address on most EVM networks.
Currently the contract is included in this repository, but should eventually be moved to its own repository.


Prerequisite: foundry installed, forge in PATH.

In order to install, clone the repository, then run forge install. Run tests with forge test

DEVX notes

SuperTokenV1Library should have a helper method for initializing the cache, in order to avoid the issue with reverts not being recognized due to the preceding low level call (see superfluid-finance/protocol-monorepo#1697)

SuperTokenV1Library should have a setFlowRate (semantics: create or update or delete flow, depending on previous state and new flowrate)

SuperAppBaseFlow should be renamed to CFASuperAppBase and include helpers for dealing with clipping. E.g. something like getMaxAdditionalFlowRate(ctx) which calculates based on the appCredit situation in ctx.

SuperAppBaseFlow expects the deployer to be an EOA, won't work with a factory contract being the deployer. Fixing this may be simplified by superfluid-finance/protocol-monorepo#1660


  • implement onFlowDeleted
  • (maybe) implement onFlowUpdated
  • (maybe) implement option to change the fee table (consider all possible implications before doing so)
  • Implement a factory which allows us to build a Dapp for merchants to easily deploy instances


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