Spelling commands and mappings for Neovim.
- Automatically turn on spelling for certain file types
- Add mapping and command for toggling spelling on/off
- Add mappings for fixing spelling relative to the cursor in both normal and insert mode
Requires Neovim 0.7+
Ensure a dictionary is set in your init.lua
vim.o.dictionary = '/usr/share/dict/cracklib-small'
The easiest way to get the above file within your filesystem is to download the Cracktime-Runtime package.
With Packer.nvim:
use 'superDross/spellbound.nvim'
-- toggle spelling on/off
-- mapping for toggling spelling on/off (default:Ctrl-S
-- fix the nearest spelling mistake to the right of the cursor with the first suggestion (default:Ctrl-l
-- fix the nearest spelling mistake to the left of the cursor with the first suggestion (default:Ctrl-h
-- language to check spelling againstautospell_filetypes
-- filetypes that should have spelling activated when openedautospell_gitfiles
-- activate spelling for git commit and rebase buffersnumber_suggestions
-- number of suggestions to display withz=
-- return to the original cursor position after executingfix_right
-- background colour of the highlight (default:lightgreen
-- foreground colour of the highlight (default:black
-- number of microseconds in which the highlight will flash for (default: 500)
-- default settings
vim.g.spellbound_settings = {
mappings = {
toggle_map = '<C-s>',
fix_right = '<C-l>',
fix_left = '<C-h>',
language = 'en_gb',
autospell_filetypes = { '*.txt', '*.md', '*.rst' },
autospell_gitfiles = true,
number_suggestions = 10,
return_to_position = false,
To change the language to Spanish and toggle map key, but keep the fix maps defaults, then add the following to your init.lua
vim.g.spellbound_settings = {
mappings = {
toggle_map = '<Leader>s'
language = 'es',