A basic and powerful multipurpose boilerplate, to let you focus on what matters, your code.
- Handlebars view engine, with pre-loaded helpers, partials and data
- Basic NodeJS web server, handling routes, pages, and assets
- Sass stylesheets
- Postcss optimizing the CSS with autoprefixer, css-mqpacker, and cssnano
- JS transpilation with Webpack and Babel
- Jest up and running for tests
- Static build output (HTML missing, will be fixed soon)
- Have NodeJS installed (optionally, Yarn as well)
- Install dependencies by
npm i
- Build static files by
npm run build
oryarn build
- Serve the app by
npm run server
oryarn server
- Run tests by
npm run test
oryarn test
├── _dist/ ................ Built output folder (git ingnored)
├── data .................. Data files preloaded on Handlebars render engine
│ └── [your-data].json
├── pages ................. Main pages
│ ├── [your-page].hbs
│ └── routes.json ....... Associate a route with a page file
├── partials .............. Handlebars partials preloaded
│ └── [your-partial].hbs
├── scripts
│ ├── dummy.test.js ..... Dummy test example
│ └── main.js ........... Optional main JS entry point
├── static/ ............... Static files to include on built output
├── styles
│ └── main.scss ......... Main SASS entry point
├── tasks/ ................ Build related tasks
├── ...
├── postcss.config.js ..... PostCSS config
└── webpack.config.js ..... Webpack config