Add some Free api which can be used for any Projects.
API for google maps This api is used for accessing google maps in your projects.
GuardPost Api This Api is used for Email Validation which is a problem that every developer have faced. this api is brought by Mailgun and can be used by creating account.Check out their documentation for more details.
ExaVault ExaVault's API allows you to incorporate ExaVault's suite of file transfer and user management tools into your own application. Check out their documentation for more details.
Soundcloud Using the SoundCloud API, you can build applications that take sound on the web to the next level.
Spotify Fetch data to your application from the Spotify music catalog and manage user’s playlists and saved music.
Eventbrite The Eventbrite API is the best way to integrate and extend Eventbrite for your event or organising needs.
Ticketmaster Search and get events everywhere in the world from Ticketmaster, TicketWeb, Universe, FrontGate, Ticketmaster Resale (TMR).
ImgFlip API ImgFlip API revolves around the most popular memes in the current internet world. It can be used for a project that works with memes or jokes in general and could make for an entertaining app for users who like memes.
Spotify Web Let’s you search and lookup metadata about artists, tracks and albums.
New York Times API This API allows to recieve json responses containing recent world news filterable by several news attributes. Refer to the documentation for further details.
Twitter Publish and analyze Tweets, optimize ads, and create unique customer experiences.
YouTube Add YouTube functionality to your sites and apps.
pokéapi This website provides a RESTful API interface to highly detailed objects built from thousands of lines of data related to Pokémon.
CR-API You can use this API to access Clash Royale API endpoints, which can get information about Clash Royale. At the moment, you can access profile and clan data.
XKCD API for retrieving metadata on the popular webcomic XKCD
Slack API for building apps for Slack.
Open Weather Map Access current weather data for any location including over 200,000 cities
TimeZoneDB TimeZoneDB provides free time zone database for cities of the world.
PubNub PubNub is a publisher/subscriber implementation as a service. Integrates using 70+ SDKs for the most popular languages and frameworks, free tier available.
The Guardian API Access over 1.9 million pieces of content
Google Translate API can dynamically translate text between thousands of language pairs.
Google Visualization API lets you access structured data and visualize that data using JavaScript in your web pages
Imgur API Lets you access a any and all of the images stored on imgur
- The API gives users the ability to build programs using data, whether on the web, the desktop or mobile devices.