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Gottox committed Dec 24, 2011
1 parent 8af86ed commit 49aac36
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Showing 4 changed files with 53 additions and 28 deletions.
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<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_PROVIDER" value="org.eclipse.ant.ui.AntClasspathProvider"/>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .project
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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions README.markdown
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# Socket.IO-Client for Java

io.socket is a simple implementation of []( for Java. is a simple implementation of []( for Java.

It uses [Java-WebSocket]( as transport backend, but it's easy
to write your own transport. See description below.

The API is inspired by []( but as the license
of this project was unclear and it had some nasty bugs, I decided to write io.socket from the scratch.
of this project was unclear and it had some nasty bugs, I decided to write from the scratch.


* __transparent reconnecting__ - The API cares about re-establishing the connection to the server
when the transport is interrupted.
* __easy to use API__ - implement an interface, instantiate a class - you're done.
* __output buffer__ - send data while the transport is still connecting. No problem, io.socket handles that.
* __output buffer__ - send data while the transport is still connecting. No problem, handles that.

## How to use

Using io.socket is quite simple. But lets see:
Using is quite simple. But lets see:

``` java
// Initialise a socket:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,43 +66,43 @@ Using io.socket is quite simple. But lets see:
socket.emit("hello", new JSONObject().put("msg", "Hello! :D"));

For further informations, read the [Javadoc](
For further informations, read the [Javadoc](

* [Class SocketIO](
* [Interface IOCallback](
* [Class SocketIO](
* [Interface IOCallback](

## What is the architecture?
Read this if you want to investigate in io.socket.
Read this if you want to investigate in


### What is the SocketIO class?

SocketIO is the API frontend. You can use this to connect to multiple hosts. If an
*IOConnection* object exists for a certian host, it will be reused as the specs state.


### What is the IOConnection class?

This class is used to hold a connection to a server. It handles calling
callback functions of the corresponding *SocketIO* and reconnecting if the connection
is shut down ungracefully.


### What is the IOTransport interface?

This interface describes a connection to a host. The implementation can be fairly minimal,
as *IOConnection* does most of the work for you. Reconnecting, errorhandling, etc... is
handled by *IOConnection*.


## How to implement a transport?

An example can be found in [](
An example can be found in [](

Create a class implementing the IOTransport interface.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ session.

### IOConnection

Ok, now we know when our functions are called. But how do we tell io.socket to process messages we get?
Ok, now we know when our functions are called. But how do we tell to process messages we get?
The provided IOConnection does the trick.

#### IOConnection.transportConnect()
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45 changes: 35 additions & 10 deletions build.xml
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@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
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Any modifications will be overwritten.
To include a user specific buildfile here, simply create one in the same
directory with the processing instruction <?eclipse.ant.import?>
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