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Tweaking MedPod performance

Robin Chang edited this page Sep 6, 2021 · 10 revisions

The MedPod is balanced with respect to:

  • Its source material, the 2013 science fiction film Elysium
  • Other mods from the Lethe: Lost Technologies of the United Colonial Federation series (e.g. Replimat)
  • A typical RimWorld playthrough, where players are expected to take some time before reaching the Spacer/GlitterTech technology level

As such, the mod is already configured in the manner in which it is meant to be played, and no mod options are provided for ease of use.

However, knowledgeable users may wish to adjust the performance of their MedPod(s) to their own liking. This can be done through XML PatchOperations, which is safer than directly editing the mod's XML defs.


Each type of MedPod has a MedPod.CompProperties_MedPodSettings Comp, with the following parameters:

Parameter Description Unit Default Value Max Allowed Value
maxDiagnosisTime How long it takes for this MedPod to diagnose a patient seconds (s) 5 30
maxPerHediffHealingTime How long it takes (on average) for this MedPod to treat each medical condition on a patient.

Note that this is scaled according to the severity of the condition - for instance, less severe injuries will take less time to treat.
seconds (s) 10 30
diagnosisModePowerConsumption The amount of power this MedPod will draw from the power grid while operating in Diagnosis mode. Watts (W) 8000 (none)
healingModePowerConsumption The amount of power this MedPod will draw from the power grid while operating in Treatment mode. Watts (W) 32000 (none)

For example, the MedPodLux variant has custom values specified to make it run faster at the cost of higher power consumption:

<li Class="MedPod.CompProperties_MedPodSettings">

Whereas the regular MedPodStandard version leaves the parameters unspecified, which automatically causes the MedPod to fall back to their default values:

<li Class="MedPod.CompProperties_MedPodSettings">
    <!-- Use default values -->


  • Time in RimWorld isn't quite the same as time in the real world - for instance, the default average hediff healing time of 10 seconds is actually ~15 in-universe minutes as experienced by the pawn within the game world. This is actually already far slower than how the MedPod from Elysium film runs, but is (again) chosen as the default value as a balance between gameplay and accuracy to the source material.
  • maxDiagnosisTime and maxPerHediffHealingTime are hard-capped at 30 seconds; if you try to specify a longer diagnosis or per-hediff healing time, you will see a Warning in the game's Debug Log.

If you really, really insist...

Should a player wish to tweak these values themselves for "game balance" reasons, the recommendation is to create your own personal tweaks mod, and include a patch file targeting the MedPod mod that points to the specific MedPod model(s) (e.g. MedPodStandard or MedPodLux) to be modified.

Specifics are left as an exercise for these players.