Apache Ignite Extensions ##maintainer needed
Apache Ignite Extensions is a modular system to create user interface modules for interacting with application deployed in Apache Ignite.aeix can currently shows a basic view of topology and supports invocation of all caching related operations.
- Topology Viewer
- Cache Operations
- List of nodes searchable by nodeid
- Summary, Metrics and Attribute information
- Searchable metrics and attribute names and values
The application requires node runtime. If you are familiar with node and npm standard deployment/development workflow, you can skip to the Quick Setup section below. Otherwise read on..
Given below is the overall setup process:- Install nodejs and npm
- Install git
- Install bower for ui dependency management
- install all bower packages
- Install all npm packages
- Start the server
Following instructions were tested on freshly provisioned EC2 server ubuntu-trusty-14.04-amd64. Your mileage may vary depending on your OS.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
For information on how to install git for your operating system please refer to: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git.
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
For information on how to install nodejs for your operating system please refer to: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/
git clone https://github.com/sumeet70/aiex.git
sudo npm install bower -g
Change the current directory to project root and install npm dependencies
cd aiex
npm install
bower install
Although it is recommended that you run the next command as is, but it can fail under certain circumstance. If that is the case, try running it as a sudoer. One of the conditions under which it is likely to fail is if you set the default port to be port 80 in /config.json, since port 80 access is blocked by some OS builds it only runs as sudo. There can be other permissions issues along the way that might prevent you from starting up a node process without sudo.
export IGNITE_REST=localhost:8080 #optional
npm start
If you run into security problems run sudo npm start
Following instructions were tested on freshly provisioned EC2 windows machine. Your mileage may vary depending on your OS.
For information on how to install git for your operating system please refer to: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git.
For information on how to install nodejs for your operating system please refer to: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/
Open command prompt or your favorite shell as admin
git clone https://github.com/sumeet70/aiex.git
This step will usually fail if you don't run the following command as admin
npm install bower -g
Change the current directory to project root and install npm dependencies
cd aiex
npm install
bower install
export IGNITE_REST=localhost:8080 #optional
npm start
These instructions assume that you already have npm and git on your path
- Clone the repo
- Open your favorite shell and navigate to the root of the project
- Run the following commands:
npm install
bower install
export IGNITE_REST=localhost:8080 #optional
npm start
- Navigate to http://localhost:8081
The application backend runs in node using expressjs as middleware. The front end of the application has been written in Angularjs 1.4.
The current version assumes that the ignite rest api is running on default localhost:8080 location. Additionally, if you want to run cache operations, you need to run ignite with caching enabled.
In order to run ignite with REST api you need to load an optional library called ignite-rest-http
Simply go to /libs/optional folder in the root directory of your install and copy ignite-rest-http folder to /libs and then restart ignite.
Please visit ignite docs for additional information on ignite setup: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/getting-started
To enable caching in ignite cluster you need to supply some basic configurations. When starting up your cluster, use one of the example configuration that already ships with ignite code: /examples/config/example-cahce.xml
Please visit ignite docs for additional information on ignite setup: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/getting-started
You need to supply this configuration path as a command line parameter to ignite startup script ignite.sh (ignite.bat in windows command prompt).
This script is located in /bin directory of your installation root.
You start up command should look like:
<b>[Install Dir]/bin/ignite.sh [Install Dir]/examples/config/example-cahce.xml</b><br/>
replace [Install Dir] with path to your installation directory.
- Run
npm start
(refer to how to install section) - Simply open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8081
- If you started the webpage before starting the cluster simply refresh the page or navigate to another tab and come back to topology tab to see the updated topology view.
- Log viewer
- Detailed topology and node information
- Ability to connect to multiple clusters