Checks for the validity of tokens in vault server through API.
- bin/
This plugin make use of vault accessors to get information about indiviual tokens. In order for this to work a token with following policies applied is required in vault,
path "auth/token/accessors/*"
capabilities = ["sudo", "list"]
path "auth/token/lookup-accessor"
capabilities = ["update"]
Once the token is generated, create a config file in /etc/sensu/conf.d
with the following content, replacing token
and api_address
with your own configuration:
"vault_config": {
"token": "abcdea4-2543f-b12543-01221-f721fab128cdd",
"api_address": "https://<vault-api>:8086",
"verify_ca": "True"
(optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether to verify the server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use. Defaults to True.
Create a check file in /etc/sensu/conf.d
"checks": {
"vault_token_expiry": {
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/ -c 15",
"interval": 5,
"subscribers": [
"standalone": true
flag is used to set the threshold(in days). It triggers when any token is expiring in that number of days.