A music bot which is feature rich and best quality Music.
For Stable Lavalink refer to Stable Lavalink For stable/master Branch Lavalink server refer application.yml
For Dev branch Lavalink refer to Dev Branch Lavalink For Dev branch Lavalink server refer application.yml
Go to config/config.json.example rename it file's name into config.json.
Do npm run slash
update slash commands of your bot
"prefix": "Your_Prefix",
"token": "Your Token",
"owners": ["Your Discord Id for eval & owner only Commands"],
"dev": false,
"guildId": "your guild's id, where you want the slash commands to be updated, when you enabled dev mode, disabling dev mode, means pushes new commands globally",
"clientId": "Bots id",
"colors": {
"default": "606C65",
"error": "FF4500"
"nodes": [
"name": "Your Node name",
"url": "your host:your port",
"auth": "youshallnotpass",
"secure": false
Secure Should be False if Your are using local lavalink. If Your node is using ssl keep it to true.
To run the Bot just type npm start
To Run it using pm2
pm2 start lavalink-music-bot.js
Creation Date: Tuesday, 20 July 2021.
Published Date: Tuesday, 20 July 2021.
❱・Support Server.
❱・Discord Id ARESᴮᴱ ᴿ⁴ᴬ#1773
Want to contribute just submit a PR.
Made With Hate by 🖤 ARESᴮᴱ ᴿ⁴ᴬ#1773
Shoukaku Docs: https://deivu.github.io/Shoukaku/?api
Shoukaku support Server: https://discord.gg/FVqbtGu
Some parts of the code has been taken from Kongou