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filter_dependabot: handle branches
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
dependabot configurations in the same directory across different
branches break the filtering tool, since no distinction is made
between branches. This fixes that by explicitly filtering either on
the absence of a branch (by default), or using the target branch
specified as the first argument to the script.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Kitt <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
skitt authored and dfarrell07 committed Jan 3, 2024
1 parent a382e54 commit a6a7ff8
Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 10 deletions.
38 changes: 28 additions & 10 deletions scripts/shared/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
# entries are removed). This tool assumes that all Submariner projects
# are checked out alongside each other (i.e. ../shipyard contains
# Shipyard, ../admiral contains Admiral etc.).
# By default, the default branch is processed; specify another branch
# as argument to handle that instead.

declare -a seendeps

Expand All @@ -41,43 +44,58 @@ function depseen() {

for dir in $(yq '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod")).directory' "$conffile"); do

gomodfilter=".updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == \"gomod\")"

for dir in $(yq "(${gomodfilter}).directory" "$conffile"); do

dirfilter="${gomodfilter} | select(.directory == \"${dir}\")"

# Looping over branch is pointless since dependencies need to track
# (i.e. other repos need to be in the same branch)

if [ "$branch" = "null" ]; then
branchfilter="${dirfilter} | select(has(\"target-branch\") | not)"
branchfilter="${dirfilter} | select(.target-branch == \"$branch\")"

(cd "${base}${dir}" || exit

# Count the ignores
ignores="$(yq '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'") | .ignore | length' "$conffile")"
ignores="$(yq "(${branchfilter}).ignore | length" "$conffile")"

# Look for the start of automated ignores
for (( i=0; i < ignores; i++ )); do
if [ "$(yq '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'") | .ignore['"$i"'].dependency-name' "$conffile")" = "*" ]; then
if [ "$(yq "(${branchfilter}).ignore[$i].dependency-name" "$conffile")" = "*" ]; then

# Remove the existing automated ignores
while [ "$(yq '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'") | .ignore | length' "$conffile")" -gt "$firstauto" ]; do
yq -i -P 'del(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'") | .ignore['"$firstauto"'])' "$conffile"
while [ "$(yq "(${branchfilter}).ignore | length" "$conffile")" -gt "$firstauto" ]; do
yq -i -P "del(${branchfilter}.ignore[$firstauto])" "$conffile"

# "See" remaining ignores
read -ar seendeps < <(yq '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'") | .ignore[].dependency-name)' "$conffile")
read -ar seendeps < <(yq "(${branchfilter}).ignore[].dependency-name" "$conffile")

# Restore the submariner-io exclusion
yq -i -P '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'")).ignore['"$firstauto"'].dependency-name = "*"' "$conffile"
yq -i -P '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'")).ignore['"$firstauto"'] head_comment = "Our own dependencies are handled during releases"' "$conffile"
yq -i -P "(${branchfilter}).ignore[$firstauto].dependency-name = \"*\"" "$conffile"
yq -i -P "(${branchfilter}).ignore[$firstauto] head_comment = \"Our own dependencies are handled during releases\"" "$conffile"

# Ignore all parent dependencies
for parent in $(GOWORK=off go list -m -mod=mod -json all | jq -r 'select(.Path | contains("/submariner-io/")) | select(.Main != true) .Path | gsub(""; "")'); do
for dep in $(GOWORK=off go list -m -mod=mod -json all | jq -r 'select(.Path | contains("/submariner-io") | not) | select(.Indirect != true) | select(.Main != true) .Path'); do
if ! depseen "$dep"; then
if grep -q "$dep" "$base/../$parent/go.mod" && ! grep -q "$dep .*// indirect" "$base/../$parent/go.mod"; then
yq -i -P '(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'")).ignore += { "dependency-name": "'"$dep"'" }' "$conffile"
yq -i -P "(${branchfilter}).ignore += { \"dependency-name\": \"$dep\" }" "$conffile"
if $first; then
yq -i -P 'with(.updates[] | select(.package-ecosystem == "gomod") | select(.directory == "'"$dir"'"); .ignore[.ignore | length - 1] head_comment = "Managed in '"$parent"'")' "$conffile"
yq -i -P "with(${branchfilter}; .ignore[.ignore | length - 1] head_comment = \"Managed in $parent\")" "$conffile"
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