- Terraform module to create IAM Role / Policy / EC2 Instance profile.
- Module source: app.terraform.io/subhamay-bhattacharyya/iam-role/aws
- Version: 1.0.0
: The name of the IAM role.assume_role_policy
: The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role.managed_policy_arns
: A list of ARNs of the IAM managed policies to attach to the role.inline_policies
: A map of inline policies to attach to the role.tags
: A map of tags to assign to the resources.
module "iam_role" {
source = "app.terraform.io/subhamay-bhattacharyya/iam-role/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
project-name = var.project-name
iam-custom-role-with-policies = local.iam-custom-role-with-policies
ec2-instance-profile-name = var.ec2-instance-profile-name
ci-build = var.ci-build
Define the policy templates as .tftpl files in a seperate directory as follows:
DynamoDB Table Access Policy
"Action": ${dynamodb-actions},
"Resource": ["${dynamodb-table-arn}"]
S3 Bucket Policy
"Action": ${s3-bucket-actions},
"Resource": ["${s3-bucket-arn}","${s3-bucket-arn}/*"]
Use local variables to generate the policy document
locals {
template-vars = {
s3-bucket-arn = "arn:aws:s3:::${var.s3-bucket-name}"
s3-bucket-actions = jsonencode(var.s3-bucket-actions)
dynamodb-table-arn = "arn:aws:dynamodb:${var.aws-region}:${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:table/${var.dynamodb-table-name}"
dynamodb-actions = jsonencode(var.dynamodb-actions)
customer-managed-policies = {
"s3-policy" = jsondecode(templatefile("policy-templates/s3-read-only-policy.tftpl", local.template-vars)),
"dynamodb-policy" = jsondecode(templatefile("policy-templates/dynamodb-read-write-policy.tftpl", local.template-vars))
iam-custom-role-with-policies = {
role-name = "example-role"
role-description = "This is an example role."
role-path = "/example/"
assume-role-policy-document = {
Version = "2012-10-17"
Statement = [{
Sid = "AllowEC2Service"
Effect = "Allow"
Principal = {
Service = "ec2.amazonaws.com"
Action = "sts:AssumeRole"
aws-managed-policies = [
customer-managed-policies = local.customer-managed-policies
Use local variables to configure the default tags. The default resource tags are implemented using the CI/CD Pipeline. The following mao just refers to it.
locals {
tags = {
Environment = var.environment-name
ProjectName = var.project-name
GitHubRepository = var.github-repo
GitHubRef = var.github-ref
GitHubURL = var.github-url
GitHubSHA = var.github-sha
- To skip the creation of IAM role with AWS managed policy pass
aws-managed-policies = null
- To skip the creation of IAM role with AWS customer policy pass
customer-managed-policies = null
- To skip the creation of EC2 instance profile pass
ec2-instance-profile-name = null
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
project-name | The name of the project | string | n/a | yes |
iam-custom-role-with-policies | The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role | map(object) | n/a | yes |
ec2-instance-profile-name | The name of EC2 instance profile | string | "" | yes |
ci-build | A string representing the CI build identifier | string | "" | yes |
Name | Description |
role-id | The ID of the IAM role. |
role-name | The name of the IAM role. |
role-arn | The ARN of the IAM role. |
policy-arn | The ARN of the customer managed policy. |
instance-profile-id | The ID of the instance profile. |
instance-profile-name | The name of the instance profile. |
instance-profile-arn | The ARN of the instance profile. |