This Terraform module creates an AWS CloudWatch LogGroup with various configurations.
module "cw_log_group" {
source = ""
version = "1.0.0"
aws-region = "us-east-1"
project-name = "your-project"
environment-name = "your-environment"
log-group-base-name = "your-log-group-base-name"
log-group-class = "STANDARD"
retention-in-days = 14
kms-key-id = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:637423502513:key/494509e4-3bc5-44b8-9c4d-12449900d395
skip-destroy = false
log-group-tags = {
Key1 = "value-1"
Key2 = "value-2"
ci-build = ""
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
aws-region | The AWS region to deploy resources | string | "us-east-1" | no |
project-name | The name of the project | string | "gitops" | no |
environment-name | The environment in which to deploy resources | string | "devl" | no |
log-group-base-name | The base name of the CloudWatch LogGroup | string | n/a | yes |
log-group-class | The log class of the CloudWatch LogGroup | string | "STANDARD" | no |
retention-in-days | The CloudWatch LogGroup retention period | number | 14 | no |
kms-key-id | The KMS key ID used to encrypt the log group | string | null | no |
skip-destroy | Specify if the LogGroup destroy should be skipped | bool | null | no |
log-group-tags | A map of tags to assign to the CloudWatch LogGroup | map(string) | {} | no |
ci-build | CI build identifier | string | "" | no |
Name | Description |
glue_job_arn | The ARN of the Glue ETL Job |
glue_job_id | The name of the Glue ETL Job |
glue_tags_all | The tags of the Glue ETL Job |