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CI/CD Workflow Create and Deploy Stack

This repository provides a template for creating Terraform configurations. It includes best practices, common modules, and examples to help you get started with infrastructure as code using Terraform.


graph LR
    A[Git Push] -- Feature Branch ? --> B>1.Build & Package - Feature]-->B1>1.Run Lint and Terraform Validate]--> C>1.2.Create Stack - Feature] --> D>1.3.Delete Stack - Feature] --> E>1.4.Create Release] -.-> L>1.5.Create PR]
    A[Git Push] -- Merge PR  --> F>2.Build & Package - Devl] --> G>Create Stack - Devl]
    A[Git Push] -- 1st Level Approval --> H>3.Build & Package - Test ] --> I>Create Stack - Test]
    A[Git Push] -- 1st & 2nd Level Approvals --> J>4.Build & Package - Prod] --> K>Create Stack - Prod]
    G>Create Stack - Devl] --> I>Create Stack - Test]
    I>Create Test Stack] --> K>Create Stack - Prod]
    title Process Flow
    section Build and Package
      Git Push feature: 3: Developer
      Run TF Lint: 3: Pipeline
      Run TF Validate: 3: Pipeline
      Run TF Plan: 4: Pipeline
      Run TF Deploy: 5: Pipeline
      Run TF Destroy: 5: Pipeline
      Create Release: 5: Pipeline
      Create Pull Request: 5: Pipeline
    section Deploy Devl, Test and Prod environments
      Approve PR: 5: Approver-1
      Merge to main: 5: Pipeline
      Deploy to Devl: 5: Pipeline
      Approve for Test: 5: Approver-2
      Deploy to Test: 5: Pipeline
      Approve for Prod: 5: Approver-3
      Deploy to Prod: 5: Pipeline


To use the pipeline in your repository create a create-stack.yaml file in .github/workflows

Plan and Deploy
name: "Terraform Plan and Deploy"

      - main
      - 'feature**'
      - '**/'
      - '**/.github/workflows/**.yaml'

  id-token: write # This is required for aws oidc connection
  contents: write # This is required for actions/checkout
  issues: write
  pull-requests: write # This is required for gh bot to comment PR

    uses: subhamay-bhattacharyya/9999-reusable-wf/.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml@main
      deploy-reviewer-test: <User Id of the approver for deployment to test environment>
      deploy-reviewer-prod: <User Id of the approver for deployment to prod environment>
      pr-approver: <Pull Request Approvel>
      git-token: ${{ secrets.GIT_TOKEN }}
name: "Terraform Delete"


  id-token: write # This is required for aws oidc connection
  contents: read # This is required for actions/checkout
  pull-requests: write # This is required for gh bot to comment PR

    uses: subhamay-bhattacharyya/9999-reusable-wf/.github/workflows/tf-cicd-destroy.yaml@main
name: "Run Infracost"

    types: [opened, synchronize, closed]

    name: "run-infracost"
    uses: subhamay-bhattacharyya/9999-reusable-wf/.github/workflows/tf-infracost.yaml@main
      infracost-api-key: ${{ secrets.INFRACOST_API_KEY }}

Reusable nested workflows

graph TD
    A[user/repo/.github/workflows/create-workflow.yaml] -->B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml]--> C[.github/workflows/setup-repository.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->D[.github/workflows/tf-lint.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->E[.github/workflows/tf-validate.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->F[.github/workflows/tf-plan.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->G[.github/workflows/tf-apply.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->H[.github/workflows/tf-destroy.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->I[.github/workflows/release.yaml]
    B[.github/workflows/tf-cicd-create.yaml] -->I[.github/workflows/tf-create-pr.yaml]

CI/CD Workflow Delete Stack

graph LR
    A[Trigger Delete] --> B>Delete Development] -- 1st Level Approval --> C>Delete Test Stack] -- 1st & 2nd Level Approvals --> D>Delete Prod Stack]

To use the pipeline in your repository create a delete-stack.yaml file in .github/workflows

name: Parent CI-CD Workflow


  id-token: write       # This is required for aws oidc connection
  contents: read        # This is required for actions/checkout
  pull-requests: write  # This is required for gh bot to comment PR
  issues: write

    name: CI-CD
    uses: subhamay-bhattacharyya/9999-reusable-wf/.github/workflows/cf-cicd-delete.yaml@main

Reusable nested workflows

graph TD
    A[user/repo/.github/workflows/delete-workflow.yaml] -->B[.github/workflows/cf-cicd-delete.yaml] -->C[.github/workflows/cf-delete.yaml]


  • Pre-configured Terraform modules for common infrastructure components
  • Examples of Terraform configurations for different environments
  • Best practices for organizing and managing Terraform code
  • CI/CD integration for automated testing and deployment

Project Setup and Development Workflow

This repository outlines the process of developing and deploying infrastructure using Terraform and CI/CD pipelines. Follow the steps below to contribute and deploy code successfully.

Development Workflow

  1. Create a New Repo from Template

    • Use this repository as a template to create a new repo for your project.
  2. Clone the Repository

    • Clone the repo to your local machine.
    • Add the necessary Terraform code, parameter files, and Lambda or Glue code (if any).
  3. Create and Assign Issues

    • Create a new issue for the feature you are working on.
    • Assign the issue to a developer.
    • A feature branch will be automatically created, prefixed with the issue number (e.g., SB-0001) generated from a prefix and sequence number.
  4. Switch to the Feature Branch

    • Switch your local branch from main to the new feature branch.
  5. Check in the Code

    • Commit your code following the required message format: IssuePrefix: Short Message (e.g., SB-0001: Add initial Terraform configuration).
    • Pre-commit hooks will:
      • Verify the commit message format.
      • Format the Terraform code using terraform fmt.
      • Prevent changes from being committed directly to the main branch.
  6. Push the Code to Remote

    • Push your changes to the remote repository.

CI/CD Pipeline

  1. Pipeline Initialization

    • The CI/CD pipeline initializes by setting up the repository environment, branch protection rules, and pull request (PR) approvers.
  2. Code Quality Checks

    • Terraform linter and validator run in parallel to ensure code quality.
  3. Terraform Plan

    • If linter and validator succeed, the terraform plan command runs to create an execution plan.
  4. Temporary Stack Deployment

    • Deploys a temporary stack with a random suffix and the branch name.
    • Adds ARNs of the created resources, AWS account number, and region in a comment for verification.
    • Once verified, the temporary stack is deleted, and a release is created with a release tag.
  5. Pull Request Creation

    • Creates a pull request with infrastructure cost estimates and logical resource names.
  6. PR Approval and Merge

    • PR needs approval from designated approvers.
    • On approval, the feature branch merges with main and is deleted on successful merge.

Deployment Stages

  1. Development Environment Deployment

    • After PR approval, the stack is created in the development environment.
  2. Approval for Test and Production Deployment

    • Deployment requires two approvals to progress from development to test and production.
  3. Sequential Deployment to Test and Production

    • On approval, the stack deploys to the test environment first.
    • After successful deployment in test, the stack is deployed to production.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Ensure all code is checked against Terraform formatting and linter guidelines.
  • Adhere to the commit message format and branch naming conventions.
  • Ensure code quality by addressing any issues raised by the CI/CD pipeline.

Following these guidelines will help maintain code quality, streamline the review process, and ensure smooth deployments.

Getting Started

  • This repository is configured to deploy the stack in Development, Staging and Production AWS Accounts. To use the pipeline you need to have three AWS Accounts created in an AWS Org under a Management Account (which is the best practice). The Org structure will be as follows:
├─ Management
├─-- Development
├─-- Test
└─-- Production
  • Create KMS Key in each of the AWS Accounts which will be used to encrypt the resources.

  • Create an OpenID Connect Identity Provider

  • Create an IAM Role for OIDC and use the sample Trust Policy in each of the three AWS accounts

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<Account Id>:oidc-provider/"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "": [
                        "repo:<GitHub User>/<GitHub Repository>:ref:refs/head/main",


  • The repository directory structure should be as follows:
AWS Organization
├── Management Account
    ├── Development Account
    ├── Test Account
    └── Production Account

  • Clone the repository.

  • Create a S3 bucket to used a code repository.

  • Modify the params/*.terraform.tfvars files

    • devl.terraform.tfvars -> Parameters for Devl
    • test.terraform.tfvars -> Parameters for Test
    • prod.terraform.tfvars -> Parameters for Prod
  • Create the following GitHub Organization Variables and Secrets:

Variable Name Variable Value
AWS_REGION us-east-1
DEVL_AWS_KMS_KEY_ARN arn:aws:kms:<AWS Region>:<Development Account Id>:key/<KMS Key Id in Development>
TEST_AWS_KMS_KEY_ARN arn:aws:kms:<AWS Region>:<Test Account Id>:key/<KMS Key Id in Test>
PROD_AWS_KMS_KEY_ARN arn:aws:kms:<AWS Region>:<Production Account Id>:key/<KMS Key Id in Production>
DEVL_AWS_ROLE_ARN arn:aws:iam::<Development Account Id>:role/<OIDC IAM Role Name>
TEST_AWS_ROLE_ARN arn:aws:iam::<Test Account Id>:role/<OIDC IAM Role Name>
PROD_AWS_ROLE_ARN arn:aws:iam::<Production Account Id>:role/<OIDC IAM Role Name>
DEVL_AWS_TF_STATE_BUCKET_NAME <Terraform State S3 Bucket in Development>
TEST_AWS_TF_STATE_BUCKET_NAME <Terraform State S3 Bucket in Test>
PROD_AWS_TF_STATE_BUCKET_NAME <Terraform State S3 Bucket in Production>
Secret Name Secret Value
GIT_TOKEN GitHub Access Token

Executing the CI/CD Pipeline

  • Create Create a feature branch and push the code.
  • The CI/CD pipeline will create a build and then will deploy the stack to devlopment.
  • Once the Stage and Prod deployment are approved (If you have configured with protection rule ) the stack will be reployed in the respective environments


📧 Subhamay Bhattacharyya - [[email protected]]


Contributors names and contact info

Subhamay Bhattacharyya - [[email protected]]

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


This project is licensed under Subhamay Bhattacharyya. All Rights Reserved.


I would like to thank the following individuals and projects that made this work possible:

  • GitOps Minicamp 2024 - I was guided by the GipOps Minicamp conducted by Derek Morgan and Andrew Brown.
  • Derek Morgan (@morethancertified) - Specific contributions made by this individual, such as code reviews, testing, or feature suggestions.
  • Tutorial/Documentation Source - More Than Certified tutorials by Derek Morgan (@morethancertified) and GitHub tutorials by Andrew Brown (

Special thanks to everyone in the open-source community for their invaluable support and resources.

Feel free to add any additional acknowledgments or edit as appropriate to fit your project. This format shows gratitude to individuals or projects that supported your work directly or indirectly.


Event Driven Architecture using EventBridge, SNS, SQS and StepFunction






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