Verb's Yeoman generator for a static web app.
- gulp-sys-metalprismic Gulp build system
- Metalsmith static template generator
- Sass -> minified CSS
- Webpack
- Babel ES6 -> ES5
- BrowserSync as dev server
- support
- Contentful support
- Static asset revisioning (appending content hash to filenames)
- CDN path remapping
- i18n support
- Client-side routing with page-manager
- CircleCI integration
- H5BP favicon and app icon template
- Node
+-- .buildpacks
+-- .editorconfig
+-- .gitignore
+-- .jshintrc
+-- .nvmrc
+-- .secrets
+-- app
| +-- documents
| +-- fonts
| +-- images
| +-- javascripts
| | +-- application.js
| +-- stylesheets
| | +-- base
| | | +-- definitions.sass
| | | +-- layout.sass
| | | +-- palette.sass
| | | +-- typography.sass
| | +-- views
| | | +-- errors.sass
| | | +-- home.sass
| | +-- application.sass
| +-- templates
| | +-- layouts
| | | +-- base.jade
| | | +-- page.jade
| | +-- views
| | | +-- 404.jade
| | | +-- 500.jade
| | | +-- index.jade
| +-- videos
| +-- apple-touch-icon-180x180-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-76x76-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-60x60-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png
| +-- apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
| +-- browserconfig.xml
| +-- favicon.ico
| +-- favicon.png
| +-- large.png
| +-- launcher-icon-0-75x.png
| +-- launcher-icon-1-5x.png
| +-- launcher-icon-1x.png
| +-- launcher-icon-2x.png
| +-- launcher-icon-3x.png
| +-- launcher-icon-4x.png
| +-- manifest.json
| +-- og-image.png
| +-- robots.txt
| +-- square.png
| +-- tiny.png
| +-- wide.png
+-- config
| +-- data
| +-- locales
| | +-- en.json
| +-- routes
| | +-- index.js
| +-- index.json
+-- node_modules
+-- public
+-- tasks
| +-- index.js
+-- test
| +-- index.js
+-- app.js
+-- circle.yml
+-- package.json
Install yo
and generator-verb-webapp
$ npm install -g yo generator-verb-webapp
Create a new directory for your project and cd
into it:
$ mkdir new-project-name && cd $_
Generate the project:
$ yo verb-webapp [app-name]
For details on initial setup procedures of the project, see its generated