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Input with auto-formatting
For phone numbers, currencies, credit cards and more...


Check out a demo here: Demo


With NPM

npm install react-auto-formatting-input

Getting Started

import AutoFormattingInput, {
} from 'react-auto-formatting-input';

const App = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('');

  return (


The AutoFormattingInput component accepts a pattern prop, which defines the formatting rules for the input field. This pattern prop allows you to customize how the input value is displayed to the user.


The type prop of the AutoFormattingInput component determines the validation rules for the input field. It can be one of the following predefined types or a custom regular expression:

  • int: Accepts only integer values.
  • float: Accepts floating-point numbers.
  • string: Accepts any character, including whitespace.
  • alpha: Accepts alphabetic characters only.
  • alphanumeric: Accepts alphanumeric characters only.
  • Custom Regex: You can also define a custom regular expression to validate the input.

Predefined Patterns

The package provides several predefined patterns for common formatting tasks. These patterns can be imported and used directly in your application without the need for custom configuration.

Phone Number Pattern


Credit Card Number Pattern


Date Pattern

  • MM / DD / YYYY

Currency Pattern


Zip Code Pattern


Custom Patterns

A pattern is defined using an array of objects, where each object represents a formatting instruction. There are four types of formatting instructions:

  1. Quantity: Specifies the number of characters to include in the input field.

    • Key: quantity
    • Value: Number representing the quantity of characters.
  2. Insert: Inserts a specific string into the input field.

    • Key: insert
    • Value: String to be inserted.
    • Optional Key: before
      • Value: Boolean indicating whether to insert the string before or after the current cursor position.
  3. Repeat: Repeats a sequence of patterns a specified number of times.

    • Key: repeat
    • Value: Object with two keys:
      • pattern: An array of pattern objects to be repeated.
      • times: Number indicating how many times to repeat the sequence or -1 for infinite.
  4. Backwards: Formats the input in reverse order, breaking it at a specified character.

    • Key: backwards
    • Value: Object with two keys:
      • pattern: An array of pattern objects that will be applied to a reversed input value.
      • breakChar: Character at which to break the string.

Example Patterns

Zip Code Pattern

This pattern formats a zip code by inserting a hyphen after the first five characters.

const ZipCodePattern = [
    quantity: 5,
    insert: ' - ',
    before: true,
    quantity: 4,

Currency Pattern

This pattern formats currency by inserting commas every three digits from the right, with a period as the decimal separator.

const CurrencyPattern = [
    backwards: {
      pattern: [
          repeat: {
            // Repeat the xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx, pattern to add commas
            pattern: [
                quantity: 3,
                insert: ',',
            times: -1, // Repeat infinitely
      breakChar: '.', // Stop the pattern when the user types a period
    quantity: 2, // Two more characters which are the decimal numbers after the period breakChar