- Content tags
- Document setup
- Navgating the terminal
- Create an account on GitHub
- Create and clone a new repository
- Add, Commit, Push to Github
- Skeleton
- Bootstrap
- Colors
- Block, Inline, Inline-block
- Spacing and the Box model
- Fonts
- Floating
- The weird parts
- Centering
- Overflow
- Semantic HTML tags
- Meta attributes for search engines / social media sharing
- Google Analytics
- Installing NPM
- Useful packages
- surge
- gulp
- variables
- functions
- event listeners
- logic (if, else)
- data
- objects, arrays
- loops
- What is a server?
- Routes & Requests
- Types of databases
- Graph
- Intro to database commands/queries
- Create Read Update Destroy (CRUD)
- Building a wordpress theme from a static site
- Custom fields plugin
- Theme development checklist
- Build a web server
- Setup routes with express
- Connect a Mongo database and query content
- Setup Post requests to store data in Mongo
- Vue JS