Download the example.html file from this repo and use as a starting point.
Update the configuration block with information.
ss_thank_you_message = "Thank you for signing up.";
ss_event_name = "StreamSend Signup Form";
ss_account_id = 1234;
The message that will show when the form is completed.
The event name that shows up for automation purposes (if the account has option enabled)
The id number for the account
Configure the styles
/* class for all fields with errors */
.field-error {background: red;}
/* class for error message */
.streamsend-error {background: red; }
/* id for the streamsend form */
#streamsend_form { }
/* id for the streamsend form success message */
#streamsend_form_success {color: green; }
/* id for the email address input */
#email_address { }
/* id for the submit button */
#streamsend-submit { }
In some cases the HTML may need to be updated, for example, if you want to remove the Email label in front of the textfield.
<form id="streamsend_form" name="streamsend_form" method="post">
<input placeholder="Email" type="1email" id="email_address" name="email_address" tabindex="1" autofocus />
<button type="submit" name="submit" id="streamsend-submit" tabindex="10">Send</button>
<div id="streamsend-error" class="streamsend-error"></div>
<div id="streamsend_form_success"></div>