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Simon committed Nov 26, 2020
1 parent a0fca0a commit 917964e
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Showing 2 changed files with 252 additions and 5 deletions.
255 changes: 251 additions & 4 deletions Sources/ConfettiSwiftUI/ConfettiSwiftUI.swift
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@@ -1,7 +1,254 @@
public struct ConfettiSwiftUI {
public var text:String
// ConfettiView.swift
// Confetti
// Created by Simon Bachmann on 24.11.20.

import SwiftUI

@available(iOS 14.0, *)
public struct ConfettiCannon: View {
@Binding var counter:Int
@ObservedObject var confettiConfig:ConfettiConfig

@State var animate:[Bool] = []
@State var finishedAnimationCouter = 0
@State var firtAppear = false

public init(text:String){
self.text = text
public init(counter:Binding<Int>,
num:Int = 20,
emojis:[String] = [String](),
includeDefaultShapes:Bool = false,
colors:[Color] = [.blue, .red, .green, .yellow, .pink, .purple, .orange],
confettiSize:CGFloat = 10.0,
rainHeight: CGFloat = 600,
fadesOut:Bool = true,
opacity:Double = 1.0,
openingAngle:Angle = .degrees(60),
closingAngle:Angle = .degrees(120),
radius:CGFloat = 300,
repetitions:Int = 0,
repetitionInterval:Double = 1.0

) {
self._counter = counter

var shapes = [AnyView]()
if(emojis.count > 0){
for emoji in emojis{
shapes.append(AnyView(Text("\(emoji)").font(.system(size: confettiSize))))

if includeDefaultShapes || emojis.count == 0{
shapes.append(AnyView(Rectangle().frame(width: confettiSize, height: confettiSize, alignment: .center)))
shapes.append(AnyView(Circle().frame(width: confettiSize, height: confettiSize, alignment: .center)))

confettiConfig = ConfettiConfig(
num: num,
shapes: shapes,
colors: colors,
confettiSize: confettiSize,
rainHeight: rainHeight,
fadesOut: fadesOut,
opacity: opacity,
openingAngle: openingAngle,
closingAngle: closingAngle,
radius: radius,
repetitions: repetitions,
repetitionInterval: repetitionInterval

public var body: some View {
ForEach(finishedAnimationCouter..<animate.count, id:\.self){ i in
finishedAnimationCouter: $finishedAnimationCouter,
confettiConfig: confettiConfig
firtAppear = true
.onChange(of: counter){value in
if firtAppear{
for i in 0...confettiConfig.repetitions{
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + confettiConfig.repetitionInterval * Double(i)) {

struct ConfettiContainer: View {
@Binding var finishedAnimationCouter:Int
@ObservedObject var confettiConfig:ConfettiConfig
@State var firstAppear = true

var body: some View{
ForEach(0...confettiConfig.num-1, id:\.self){_ in
Confetti(confettiConfig: confettiConfig)
if firstAppear{
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + confettiConfig.animationDuration) {
self.finishedAnimationCouter += 1
firstAppear = false

struct Confetti: View{
@State var location:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
@State var opacity:Double = 1.0
@ObservedObject var confettiConfig:ConfettiConfig

func getShape() -> AnyView {
return confettiConfig.shapes.randomElement()!

func getColor() -> Color {
return confettiConfig.colors.randomElement()!

func getSpinDirection() -> CGFloat {
let spinDirections:[CGFloat] = [-1.0, 1.0]
return spinDirections.randomElement()!

var body: some View{
ConfettiView(shape:getShape(), color:getColor(), spinDirX: getSpinDirection(), spinDirZ: getSpinDirection())
// .frame(width: confettiConfig.confettiSize, height: confettiConfig.confettiSize, alignment: .center)
.offset(x: location.x, y: location.y)
// .scaleEffect(movement.z)
withAnimation(Animation.timingCurve(0.61, 1, 0.88, 1, duration: confettiConfig.explosionAnimationDuration)) {
opacity = confettiConfig.opacity

let randomAngle:CGFloat
if confettiConfig.openingAngle.degrees <= confettiConfig.closingAngle.degrees{
randomAngle = CGFloat.random(in: CGFloat(confettiConfig.openingAngle.degrees)...CGFloat(confettiConfig.closingAngle.degrees))
randomAngle = CGFloat.random(in: CGFloat(confettiConfig.openingAngle.degrees)...CGFloat(confettiConfig.closingAngle.degrees + 360)).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360)

let distance = CGFloat.random(in: 0.5...1) * confettiConfig.radius

location.x = distance * cos(deg2rad(randomAngle))
location.y = -distance * sin(deg2rad(randomAngle))

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + confettiConfig.explosionAnimationDuration) {
withAnimation(Animation.timingCurve(0.12, 0, 0.39, 0, duration: confettiConfig.rainAnimationDuration)) {
location.y += confettiConfig.rainHeight
opacity = confettiConfig.fadesOut ? 0 : confettiConfig.opacity

func deg2rad(_ number: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return number * CGFloat.pi / 180


struct ConfettiView: View {
@State var shape: AnyView
@State var color: Color
@State var spinDirX: CGFloat
@State var spinDirZ: CGFloat
@State var firstAppear = true

@State var move = false
// @State var xSpeed = Double.random(in: 0.7...3)
@State var xSpeed:Double = Double.random(in: 1...2)

@State var zSpeed = Double.random(in: 1...2)
@State var anchor = CGFloat.random(in: 0...1).rounded()

var body: some View {
.rotation3DEffect(.degrees(move ? 360:0), axis: (x: spinDirX, y: 0, z: 0))
.animation(Animation.linear(duration: xSpeed).repeatCount(10, autoreverses: false), value: move)
.rotation3DEffect(.degrees(move ? 360:0), axis: (x: 0, y: 0, z: spinDirZ), anchor: UnitPoint(x: anchor, y: anchor))
.animation(Animation.linear(duration: zSpeed).repeatForever(autoreverses: false), value: move)
.onAppear() {
if firstAppear {
move = true
firstAppear = true

struct Movement{
var x: CGFloat
var y: CGFloat
var z: CGFloat
var opacity: Double

class ConfettiConfig: ObservableObject {
internal init(num: Int, shapes: [AnyView], colors: [Color], confettiSize: CGFloat, rainHeight: CGFloat, fadesOut: Bool, opacity: Double, openingAngle:Angle, closingAngle:Angle, radius:CGFloat, repetitions:Int, repetitionInterval:Double) {
self.num = num
self.shapes = shapes
self.colors = colors
self.confettiSize = confettiSize
self.rainHeight = rainHeight
self.fadesOut = fadesOut
self.opacity = opacity
self.openingAngle = openingAngle
self.closingAngle = closingAngle
self.radius = radius
self.repetitions = repetitions
self.repetitionInterval = repetitionInterval
self.explosionAnimationDuration = Double(radius / 1500)
self.rainAnimationDuration = Double((rainHeight + radius) / 200)

@Published var num:Int
@Published var shapes:[AnyView]
@Published var colors:[Color]
@Published var confettiSize:CGFloat
@Published var rainHeight:CGFloat
@Published var fadesOut:Bool
@Published var opacity:Double
@Published var openingAngle:Angle
@Published var closingAngle:Angle
@Published var radius:CGFloat
@Published var repetitions:Int
@Published var repetitionInterval:Double
@Published var explosionAnimationDuration:Double
@Published var rainAnimationDuration:Double

var animationDuration:Double{
return explosionAnimationDuration + rainAnimationDuration

var openingAngleRad:CGFloat{
return CGFloat(openingAngle.degrees) * 180 / .pi

var closingAngleRad:CGFloat{
return CGFloat(closingAngle.degrees) * 180 / .pi
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Tests/ConfettiSwiftUITests/ConfettiSwiftUITests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ final class ConfettiSwiftUITests: XCTestCase {
// This is an example of a functional test case.
// Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct
// results.
XCTAssertEqual(ConfettiSwiftUI().text, "Hello, World!")
// XCTAssertEqual(ConfettiSwiftUI(text: "Hello World").text, "Hello, World!")

static var allTests = [
Expand Down

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