A writing-focused 34-key ZMK/Linux layout for galite and йцукен with mouse keys. Galite is Gallium for those who find the top row easier for the middle and ring fingers but bottom row easier for the index finger.
In Linux, set compose to pause, switch lang to lwin. Instructions on what to do with the galite, evdev_section, and optionally (for CLI) galite.map files are in those files. Copy the contents of my ZMK keymap file to yours in Github. ZMK mouse keys require additional setup.
Prefix 'C' means ctrl+, 'S' means shift+.
Base layer, mouse keys on the left.
pgu sal pst cpy cut esc tab vo- vo+ mut
msl msu msd msr br+ Cbk arl ard aru arr (msl+msr=scroll up, msu+msd=scroll down)
pgd rmb mmb lmb br- Cdl the end hom .,
layer2 layer1/enter shift/space alt/bkspc
Hybrid ctrl/fn layer for base layer (skC is sticky ctrl, Cer is ctrl-enter).
F9 F10 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
rep Cpu Cpd Cer C= SCb Cal Cad Cau Car
and rdo udo skC C- SCd F11 Ced Chm F12
null layer0/enter shift/space alt/del
Here and in the next layer you'll see some simple but unusual customizations for puncts.
b l d w z j f o u ,/
й ц у к е н г ш щ з
n r t s g y h a e i
ф ы в а п р о л д ж
x q m c v k p '" -_ .?
я ч с м и т ь б ю .,
layer0 layer3/enter shift/space alt/bkspc
Fn layer for alpha layer. 'cmp' is compose, 'lng' switch lang. Accessed by holding down the left-left thumb key or tapping both left-hand thumb keys at once. Might be nice to have the square brackets right under 9 and 0, but a bigger priority for me is Russian Х (and Э) on a good finger. Ъ and Ё are very rare. This layer could become more symmetrical with more punct customization in the Linux keymap, but I'm not convinced it's worth it.
n/a () <> lng n/a n/a com [{ ]} n/a
х ъ
9( 0) 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8*
9( 0) 1! 2" 3№ 4; 5% 6: 7? 8*
\| ~` :; skC cmp n/a the =+ –— sen
ё э
null layer2/enter shift/space alt/del