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Tooltip plugin for Chartist.js

Build Status

This plugin provides quick and easy tooltips for your chartist charts.

Please visit for more information.

NPM package: (not yet released)

Why this fork?

This repository is a fork of LukBukkit/chartist-plugin-tooltip which is again a fork of the original tmmdata/chartist-plugin-tooltip.

Thanks for the great work to all contributors so far!

The original repository seems unmaintained for quite a while and the updated fork is not yet compatible with the changes introduced in Chartist v1.

Maybe one day, the fork will be merged again...

Available options and their defaults

  • tooltipOffset: { x: number, y: number }

    Tooltip offset in px. Default: { x: 0, y: -20 }

  • anchorToPoint: boolean

    If set true, the tooltips will not follow mouse movement and be anchored to the target point or bar. Default: false

  • appendToBody: boolean

    Append tooltip container to body. If not, the tooltip element will be added to the chart container. Default: true

  • class: string | string[]

    Add custom class(es) to the tooltip. Can be a single class "my-class" or a list ["class-1", "class-2"].

  • pointClass: string

    Custom point class to append tooltips to. If none is specified, the default class will be used depending on the chart type (e.g. "ct-point" for line charts).

  • tooltipFnc: (meta: string, value: string) => string

    Custom function to generate tooltip (entire HTML markup).

  • transformTooltipTextFnc: (value: string) => string

    Custom function to generate tooltip text (content only).

  • metaIsHTML: boolean

    Should the meta content be parsed as HTML (true) or plain text (false, default).

Sample usage in Chartist.js

First you have to install the plugin via Yarn:

yarn add chartist-plugin-tooltips-updated

Then you can include this plugin...

  1. via <script> tags loading the UMD versions of Chartist and the plugin:
    <script src="node_modules/chartist/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
    <script src="node_modules/chartist-plugin-tooltip/dist/chartist-plugin-tooltip.umd.js"></script>
      var chart = new Chartist.LineChart(
          plugins: [ ChartistPluginTooltip ]
    <div id="chart"></div> 
  1. or via imports as ES module:
import { LineChart } from 'chartist';
import { ChartistPluginTooltip } from 'chartist-plugin-tooltips';

const chart = new LineChart(
    plugins: [ ChartistPluginTooltip ]

Don't forget to include the CSS files, if you want default styling...

  1. in the <head> of your HTML file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/chartist/dist/index.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/chartist-plugin-tooltips/dist/chartist-plugin-tooltip.css">
  1. as Webpack CSS imports
import 'chartist/dist/index.css';
import 'chartist-plugin-tooltips/dist/chartist-plugin-tooltip.css';

And now you can use the different options for labels:

With descriptive text:

var chart = new LineChart('.ct-chart', {
  labels: [1, 2, 3],
  series: [
      {meta: 'description', value: 1},
      {meta: 'description', value: 5},
      {meta: 'description', value: 3}
      {meta: 'other description', value: 2},
      {meta: 'other description', value: 4},
      {meta: 'other description', value: 2}
}, {
  plugins: [

Without descriptive text:

var chart = new LineChart('.ct-chart', {
  labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
  series: [
    [1, 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3],
    [2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6]
}, {
  plugins: [

With options text:

var chart = new Chartist.Line('.ct-chart', {
  labels: [1, 2, 3],
  series: [
      {meta: 'description', value: 1},
      {meta: 'description', value: 5},
      {meta: 'description', value: 3}
      {meta: 'other description', value: 2},
      {meta: 'other description', value: 4},
      {meta: 'other description', value: 2}
}, {
  plugins: [
        currency: '$',
        class: 'class1 class2',
        appendToBody: true

If you change the css properties of the tooltip, you shouldn't change the display property, otherwise the position of the tooltip will be wrong!

Custom point element.

In ChartistJS you can replace default element with smth different. There is a pretty demo (USING EVENTS TO REPLACE GRAPHICS). And if you want the tooltip to work fine with a new element, you need to include two more properties:

'ct:value': data.value.y,
'ct:meta': data.meta,

And you have to add the following CSS rule to the new element by using the style option or by adding this rule to your css class:

pointer-events: all!important;

So the final code could look like this.

chart.on('draw', function(data) {
  // If the draw event was triggered from drawing a point on the line chart
  if (data.type === 'point') {
    // We are creating a new path SVG element that draws a triangle around the point coordinates

    var circle = new Chartist.Svg('circle', {
      cx: [data.x],
      cy: [data.y],
      r: [5],
      'ct:value': data.value.y,
      'ct:meta': data.meta,
      style: 'pointer-events: all !important',
      class: 'my-cool-point',
    }, 'ct-area');

    // With data.element we get the Chartist SVG wrapper and we can replace the original point drawn by Chartist with our newly created triangle
plugins: [
      appendToBody: true,
      pointClass: 'my-cool-point'


Tooltip plugin for Chartist.js







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