Please is a command line utility that makes it easy to integrate web APIs into your shell scripts.
It's called Please because the web works much better if you ask nicely.
It is comprised of three sub-commands:
please request
for communicating with web servers
please respond
acts as a one-shot web server - useful in testing you applications
please identify
given structured data on standard input, this will output the format used (e.g. "json", "yaml")
please parse
understands the data exchange formats of the web and can translate between them
brew install stilvoid/tools/please
Grab the appropriate download from the release page
go install
There are some examples in the examples folder.
Here are a few other ways that please might be useful in a bash script:
$ please get | please parse html.head.title
Example Domain
$ echo '{"thing": 1}' | please post
$ echo 'Authorization: Bearer mytoken' | please get -is
$ (echo Hello, world | please respond 200) & sleep 1s && curl -i http://localhost:8000
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 22:23:30 GMT
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Hello, world
$ echo '{"some": ["lovely", "json"], "now": "yaml"}' | please parse -o yaml
- lovely
- json
now: yaml