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GslStarplane: Starplane for Gradle

GslStarplane is the gradle port of the starplane buildsystem originally written for use in combination with Brachyura. Starplane lays the foundation of modern galimulator modding.

Including the plugin

WARNING: When publishing your code online with this plugin enabled, you should make extra sure to NOT include the build directory. GslStarplane pushes deobfuscated jars which have a copyright on them to it.

GslStarplane functions as a gradle plugin, so it first needs to be applied on a gradle project in order to work. Under groovy you can do it by adding id 'gsl-starplane' version '0.2.0-a20240504' to the plugins block in the build.gradle file. The full plugins block will thus look something like follows:

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'java-library'
    id 'maven-publish'
    // Note: When debugging self-compiled versions of gsl-starplane you should leave out
    // the automatically generated "-aYYYYMMDD" tag.
    id 'gsl-starplane' version '0.2.0-a20240504'

However, as GslStarplane is not located in the default repositories and depends on external projects, you also need to add a few maven repos to the pluginManagement block of the settings.gradle file. In full the additions probably look like that:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
//      mavenLocal()   // Uncomment this line if you wish to debug the plugin
        maven {
            name = 'stianloader-maven'
            url = ''

And that is it! Unfortunately you won't be able to use the plugin for much with such a setup. So continue reading!

Specifying reversible access setters

WARNING: Reversible access setters are as dangerous as they are simple to use. Changing access of a method could make methods that normally would be independent of each other to override each other. For mutating fields, an accessor mixin should be used with @Mutable. For methods, invokers should be used (not yet supported in micromixin).

Reversible access setters can optionally be declared in the build.gradle as follows:

starplane {

Starplane will automatically apply the contents of the reversible access setter on the galimulator jar and will remap all *.ras file during the remap task.

At the moment, only one reversible access setter can be set at a time and transitive reversible access setters are ignored.

Declaration of reversible access setters to starplane is independent from the Starloader-launcher declaration of reversible access setters!

The galimulatorDependencies configuration

Starplane automatically strips dependencies it can find from the galimulator jar. This may sound unintuitive but has the benefit of reducing the amount of classes that need to be decompiled and also provides (if configured properly) javadocs and sources in the IDE, leading to a more comfortable development experience.

The dependencies that need to be stripped can be configured through the galimulatorDependencies configuration, however it is advised that the configuration is not touched. However, by default dependencies which are in the galimulatorDependencies configuration are not on the compile classpath. To change this, compileOnlyApi can be made to extend from galimulatorDependencies. In practice this can be done by inserting

configurations {

in the project buildscript.

The remapJar task

WARNING: The 0.2.X branch uses the more experimental stianloader-remapper and micromixin-remapper frameworks. Unlike the tiny-remapper used by the 0.1.X releases they haven't been tested quite a lot and may especially be vulnerable to failing to remap mixins or accounting for the member inheritance hierarchy.

The remapJar task remaps all references of deobfuscated members to use the obfuscated names instead. It produces the jar that can be used outside the development environment and which you can freely distribute (should there not be other limitations).

The remapJar task extends the jar task, which means that it can be configured similar to jar. However, unlike the jar task you probably want to define the from inputs.

Note: It is recommended to set the archiveClassifier of the remapped jar as otherwise the jar task cannot be cached.

Including a jar will insert the jar in the built jar root. This is probably not intended behaviour for you, so you'd need to decompress is beforehand. Alternatively, the fromJar method can be used to include jars. Furthermore, fromJar implicitly adds dependencies on Tasks if the input is a task. The below example shows just that.

The recommended configuration of the remapJar task is follows:

remapJar {
    archiveClassifier = 'remapped'
    fromJar jar

    inputs.file jar.archiveFile // Needed for gradle's "up-to-date" checks

Sometimes muscle memory gets the better of you and you are still accustomed to using build to create jars. Unfortunately, by default, build does not create a remapped jar. In order for the build task to also remap, one can make build depend on remapJar. In practice this would look as follows:

build {
    dependsOn remapJar

Defining the mods in the development environment

The mods that are run in the dev env (which is started through the runMods task that will be talked about later on) can be selected by configuring the deployMods task. If you mod does not depend on any other mods, nothing needs to be done. However if you want to depend on third party mods, an approach such as the one below can be used:

deployMods {
    from "libs/mymod.jar"

Aside from String (which is used in the above example) other types can be used. A complete list of supported types is as follows:

  • PublishArtifact
  • AbstractArchiveTask tasks (includes Jar tasks)
  • DefaultAdhocSoftwareComponent components
  • Configurations
  • String, File, Path and all other types that can be converted to File as per Project#file.

Multiple files can be referenced, however only files that are mods (as in Starloader-launcher extensions) will get copied into the extension directory. All mods with the same id/name that already exist in the extension directory will get removed in order to avoid duplicates.

WARNING: Removing a mod from the deployMods list will not remove them from the extensions folder yet. This may get changed should there be sufficient momentum.

Reversible access setters from other mods ("transitive reversible access setters") are not applied at compile-time, but are applied as usual at runtime.

In order add external mods via maven, the following approach can be used:

// Note: The order of the "configurations" block matters - it should be over the "deployMods" block.
configurations {
    dependencyMods // Define the "dependencyMods" configuration so it can be used
    compileOnlyApi.extendsFrom(dependencyMods) // Also add all deployed mods to the compile classpath

deployMods {
    // Tell starplane to deploy all mods from the "dependencyMods" configuration
    from configurations["dependencyMods"]

dependencies {
    // Add the mod to the configuration (you can also add several mods to the same configuration)
    dependencyMods "de.geolykt:starloader-api:2.0.0-a20240624.1"

Running the development environment

The dev env can be run through the runMods task. The development environment allows you to test your mod quickly while still using deobfuscated mappings.

The runMods task is a JavaExec task, which means it can be configured as one (if you need to add JVM Arguments), however in default circumstances no further changes need to be applied.

In order for the dev env to work, the deployMods task needs to be correctly configured.

The genEclipseRuns task

While the runMods task works to execute the development environment, it does not allow to easily debug the environment with the aid of a debugger. While setting the debug option of the runMods task to true (as allowed by JavaExec) does allow to attach a debugger to the environment, IDEs such as Eclipse struggle with finding the sources of the classes. This can make debugging difficult. To counteract this, the genEclipseRuns task generates the runMods.launch file that can be used to execute the development environment right within your IDE with all the extras your IDE provides.

NOTE: In legacy applications which still use access wideners the generated *.launch files won't work as necessary tasks (such as negating AWs) aren't run. To counteract this issue, mods should instead of RAS (reversible access setters), which can be reversed at runtime if deemed necessary. While AWs are still supported by SLL, gslStarplane no longer supports remapping them - RAS is still supported and will continue to be supported for the forseeable future.

Dealing with shaded dependencies

When dealing with dependencies that are normally included in the jar of your mod, you will generally be quick to see that using these dependencies within your IDE's launch configurations will not work due to classloader constraints not be matched. This is an unfortunate byproduct of how the IDE evaluates the run configurations and the root problem cannot be fixed by us. However, we can tell SLL to bundle arbitrary files into your mod at runtime.

What these arbitrary files are is evaluated by the genEclipseRuns task and can be set by the buildscript using the additionalRuntimeDependency(String, Object) method.

As gslStarplane will treat each source set as a separate mod, the individual mods of your project are identified using the source set's name. This will generally be main. The most common use of this feature will as such look as follows:

genEclipseRuns {
    additionalRuntimeDependency("main", configurations["runtimeClasspath"])

The value is a path element which is one of the following:

  • A Configuration
  • A File, URI, URL or a CharSequence which represents a valid URL
  • All other types that can be converted to File as per Project#file.

Handling expansion of placeholder properties in the development environment

Note: This feature requires SLL 4.0.0-a20240711 or newer. It will gracefully do nothing under older versions of SLL.

Note: As of now, this feature is exclusive to the extension.json file. Expansion will thus not be handled in the development environment for other files. Be vigilant in that case.

At times it can be tedious to remember to keep the extension.json file in sync with your gradle buildscripts (version mismatches anyone?). However for this problem gradle has a neat solution: Resource postprocessing or more specifically the expansion of placeholder properties. For this, you define that the extension.json file should get expanded using the project's properties within in your build.gradle buildscript:

processResources {
    filesMatching("extension.json") {

then you define your extension.json file with the appropriate placeholders. For this example we will go with the following, but in practice you can do much more than just that:

    "entrypoint": "de.geolykt.s2dmenues.S2DMenues",
    "name": "S2DMenues",
    "version": "${version}",
    "dependencies": [ "StarloaderAPI" ]

Then, you also want to define the value of the property. This is done within the file:


Now, everything works - mostly. However, when launching from the IDE you will quickly notice that the placeholders are never getting expanded. Henceforth, SLL provides a way to emulate the expansion of these placeholders at runtime. This is plainly done by specifying the file from which the properties shall be taken from. The file needs to be a .properties file - the file will usually suffice. Henceforth, you'll find yourself with the following in your build.gradle buildscript:

genEclipseRuns {
    propertyExpansionSource = project.file("")

Note that only one source can be active at any given time. If the value is declared multiple times, the value will be plainly overriden by later calls.

For this change to apply, the genEclipseRuns task has to be executed anew.

Selecting the modloader (the devRuntime configuration)

As of now, only SLL - regardless of mixin engine - can be used as a mod loader, though in theory modloaders that work as javaagents can easily be added. The version used depends on the contents of the devRuntime configuration classpath - so SLL needs to be either present on the runtime classpath or be explicitly declared as being part of the devRuntime configuration in order for the dev env to work. SLL can thus be declared as follows:

dependencies {
    // [...]
    devRuntime "org.stianloader:launcher-micromixin:4.0.0-a20240413"
    // [...]

The devRuntime configuration extends from the runtimeClasspath configuration, so elements you added through runtimeOnly or similar will be available. However as this may has consequences on classloading that may be removed in the future (it is plausible that all runtime elements will be available to us anyways due to shading).

It is generally not advisable to add mods through the devRuntime, instead the deployMods task should be configured accordingly. Failure to understand this may result in mods not properly loading or other classloading issues.

Selecting the mappings

At the moment the spStarmap ontop of slIntermediary mappings are hardcoded, but it is possible to define further supplementary mappings via either softmaps or traditional mapping formats.

Declaring softmaps

Note: This is an experimental feature and is subject to change

WARNING: This feature turned out to be less capable than anticipated and will likely be removed. Use other supplementary mappings instead.

WARNING: At this point in time layered mappings are planned, but not yet fully supported. Handle multiple softmap mappings with care, as current behaviour is subject to change.

Softmap is a purpose built deobfuscation mappings format that is most resistant against changes in the source names. Unlike other mappings format, this format doesn't map things based on 1:1 mappings. Instead, it uses context clues, such as the bytecode of methods, descriptors, usages, and more. How these context clues are used can be freely choosen by whoever write the softmap mappings files.

Unlike slintermediary and spStarmap, softmap mappings files can be freely choosen by the buildscript, meaning that you can easily swap out names if you feel like not working with them. By default gslStarplane does not ship any softmap mappings file. One way to define a mappings file would be:

starplane {

Aside from String, following types can be used:

  • A Configuration
  • A Path
  • All types that can be converted to File as per Project#file.

Declaring other supplementary mappings

Note: This is an experimental feature and is subject to change

Similar to softmap files, supplementary mappings can be defined using

starplane {
    mappingsFile("tinyv2", "deobf-mappings.tinyv2")

The first argument is the format of the mappings. Ususally that would either be "tiny" or "tinyv2". Other mapping formats are supported, but are not recommended for use. The second argument is the path to the mapping file. Aside from String, following types can be used:

  • A Configuration
  • A Path
  • All types that can be converted to File as per Project#file.

For mapping formats with multiple namespaces (such as those of the tiny family), the source namespace is the first column where as the destination (deobfuscated) namespace is the last column.

Using the development environment with asymmetric deobfuscation mappings

Hint: By nature, the production environment uses the common "official" (i.e. obfuscated) namespace which leads to the production environment having symmetric deobfuscation mappings. This means that the issue described in this section is exclusive to the development environment.

When using supplementary mappings with dependency mods, then all dependency mods need to make use of the same supplementary mappings. Such an environment is described to have symmetric deobfuscation mappings. However, in practice this is unlikely to occur, in which case the environment has asymmetric deobfuscation mappings.

Asymmetric deobfuscation mappings may lead to crashes or other incompatibilities induced by classes or members not existing in one mapping namespace while existing in the other. As such, common symptoms of this issue are ClassNotFoundExceptions, ClassDefNotFoundErrors and LinkageErrors.

To rememdy this issue, the dependency mods have to be remapped into a common mapping namespace. Gsl-Starplane uses the mapping namespace of the mod defined by the project it was applied on as the common namespace, remapping all deployed mods to that namespace. However, it will only do so if configured.

An example of proper configuration is as follows:

configurations {
    dependencyMods {
        transitive = false

deployMods {
    from configurations["dependencyMods"]
    remapMods = true

dependencies {
    // [...]

The two important parts are that you use remapMods = true for the deployMods task (the default value is false) and that you use the remapped (i.e. obfuscated) jars for the deployment inputs. In most cases this corresponds to using the artifact with the remapped classifier. In general, when using remapMods = true, the jars configured to be used by deployMods should be the same kind of jars used within the production environment.

Failure to use the obfuscated jars as the input is likely going to cause issues with inferring the names of mixin targets. It may work in other circumstances, but this is behaviour that should not be depended on.

As dependencies could depend on mods that don't have the remapped classifier, depending on certain mods may pull in mods that fail to remap. In general the mod that fails to remap is SLAPI. To prevent these transitive dependencies (or dependencies of dependencies, in layman's terms) being resolved, disable transitive resolution for your configuration - this can be configured by setting transitive = false. To verify that your change has the intended effect, you can look at the dependency graph of your desired configuration by running the dependencies task via the ./gradlew dependencies command or similar. This also has the upside of eliminating non-mod entries, although in general gsl-starplane will do a good job at filtering out non-mod dependencies within the configuration.

Note: Due to how gsl-starplane remaps starplane-annotations annotations, mods built using older versions of gsl-starplane (that is before 2024-06-24) will be incompatible with this process. However, this detail will unlikely have an impact for you. Mods built using newer versions of gsl-starplane or mods that do not make use of starplane-annotations are unaffected.

Tip: Due to how IDEs retrieve source and javadoc artifacts, it is advisable to use the remapped artifact for the configuration used for deployMods where as the compilation classpath is provided with the standard non-remapped (i.e. dev env) jar. The above example follows this principle. Do note that when doing this, compileOnlyApi does not need to extend from dependencyMods even though doing so is recommended in previous sections. That being said, disregarding this tip should have no averse consequences if you know how to navigate with these issues.


gslStarplane decompiles Galimulator with Vineflower, a Fernflower-based decompiler. The dependencies added on the decompilation classpath are controlled by the galimulatorDependencies. Furthermore, gslStarplane always decompiles the stripped galimulator jar with compile-time access.

The original line mappings are visible in the decompiled output, but starplane automatically changes the line mappings of the runtime and the stripped compile-time jars to reflect the line mappings of the decompiled output.

Eclipse external null annotations

In order to provide full parity over the old starplane on slbrachyura system gslStarplane supports the feature you'd expect the least: Eclipse external null annotations. EEAs can be added like so:

plugins {
    // [...]
    id 'eclipse'

starplane {
    eclipseEEA = rootProject.file("src/eclipse-eea")

and will be applied on all gradle classpath elements.

Note: the backend code within gslStarplane is basically equal to

apply plugin: 'eclipse'

eclipse {
    classpath {
      containers 'org.eclipse.buildship.core.gradleclasspathcontainer'  
      file {
            whenMerged {
                def source = entries.find { it.path == 'org.eclipse.buildship.core.gradleclasspathcontainer' }
                source.entryAttributes['annotationpath'] = "src/eclipse-eea"

Checking for mapping tears

When creating APIs that must be stable across both the development environment as well as within production it is an attractive API design to hide implementations behind an interface. However, doing so has the acute problem that the remapper might be tempted to incorrectly remap the implementation method while keeping the interface definition untouched: A mapping tear appears. This effect is mostly caused by implementing a method within an interface while simultaneously overriding a method from galimulator with the same descriptor and name.

Note: At this point in time, gslStarplane will not verify for mapping tears in mixins. Be aware with them. That being said, micromixin-remapper will do it's best to fail if an obvious mapping tear is detected.

The solution for this problem is one of the diagnostic nature, as avoiding or fixing it outright is not possible without significantly tampering with the class files. For this, gslStarplane provides the GslVerifyRemapperJarTask, which verifies the produced jar for possible programmer blunders (at this point only mapping tears).

Note: GslVerifyRemapperJarTask will not fail compilation if it detects a fault. Instead, it will plainly just report the fault to the log as an error (though gradle will not handle it differently by default).

To use the task, it first needs to be declared as follows (gslStarplane does not preconfigure the task, meaning that all instances of the task need to be defined within the buildscript):

task jarVerification(type: de.geolykt.starloader.gslstarplane.GslVerifyRemapperJarTask, dependsOn: remapJar) {
    includingGalimulatorJar = true
    validationJar = remapJar.archiveFile

check {
    dependsOn jarVerification

The check block can be omitted if it is needed and is only included here to make the task be run whenever the check task is executed (build also executes check by default).

The GslVerifyRemapperJarTask task defines three properties:

  • validationJar (required): This defines the input jar which should be validated.
  • classpath (optional): The runtime classpath used for validation.
  • includingGalimulatorJar (optional, default true): Whether the original (i.e. fat and obfuscated) galimulator jar should be added to the validation classpath.

Note that the validation classpath can be plainly left empty and is generally the recommended approach for performance reasons as long as includingGalimulatorJar is set to true. However, with an empty classpath the task might not always be aware of all abstract methods and thus may not be able to detect certain mapping tears.


Currently it is planned (or rather said, dreamed of) to offer Starplane as Eclipse and IntelliJ plugins, however due to the required effort needed to learn their plugin APIs this will only happen in the far future - if ever.

A Maven integration is unlikely due to it apparently lacking the ability to add dependencies programmatically without touching the POM.