I'm stgiga, and I've been involved in technology for many years.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on various projects, though the most current thing I'm working on was UnifontEX but now I will be doing some creative writing.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Java and Python properly.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on extending the SoundFont format.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with keeping my code running long-term.
- 💬 Ask me about the various stories I have of the technology scene.
- 📫 How to reach me: I'm pretty much on most platforms, but http://stgiga.carrd.co has most of my socials, or sites that lead to my non-URL ones.
- 😄 Pronouns:
They/Them/Their, Th3y/Th3m, ᵺꜽ/ᵺ㏟/ᵺꜽr, ᵺ㏟, One/One's, One/Ones, 1/1s, 1/1's, we/weself, ey/em/eirs, Ꜽ/YM, ꜽ/YM, AY/YM, Fay/Nym, Fꜽ/Nym, xie/hir, [none], ?/?'s, ze/zor, Xe/Xur, nounself, thA/thM, th㏟selves (they, them, and selves), ꜽmselves (ꜽ,ym, and selves), AYMselves (AY,ym, and selves), AYMselves (AY, ym, and selves, [all of these AYM permuations are akin to themselves+they at once in English but obviously different]), A/M, ㏟, thAY/thYM, thAY/Thym, Thay/thym [and permutations involving parts of those and parts of ᵺꜽ/ᵺ㏟/ᵺꜽr], xe/xyr
⚡ Fun fact: I'm intersex, nonbinary, and a salmacian/aphrodisian as well. Also, .B3K files (BWTC32Key's format) have the honor of NOT being binary files.
(Be sure to click on it for the infinite-scrolling version.)
Honestly these days I've been a bit frantic.