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Mutuh committed Oct 23, 2012
1 parent 6376eac commit e418261
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Showing 2 changed files with 65 additions and 39 deletions.
35 changes: 13 additions & 22 deletions README.markdown
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,19 @@

The PortfolioBundle adds some basic support for your protfolio. You can create categories and projects
This bundle requires configured sonata/admin-bundle with ORM support for administration, VichUploaderBundle
for images in projects, and StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle for timestamps

Features include:

- Projects and categories can be stored via Doctrine ORM
- Pagination of projects and categories
- Administrating via SonataAdminBundle
- Syntax highlighting with geshi.
Wrap code blocks with ```<pre lang="LANGUAGE" line="1">``` and ```</pre>``` where "LANGUAGE" is a Geshi supported language syntax.
- Cut is available with <!--more--> tag
- Unit tested
The StfalconPortfolioBundle adds some basic support for your portfolio. You can create categories and projects
This bundle requires configured SonataAdminBundle with ORM support for administration, VichUploaderBundle
for images in projects, and StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle for timestamps.

Studio use this bundle for portfolio


The bulk of the documentation is stored in the `Resources/doc/`
file in this bundle:

[Read the Documentation for master](
Features include:
- Projects and categories can be stored (with Doctrine ORM)
- Administrating with SonataAdminBundle
- Pagination of projects (with KnpPaginatorBundle)
- Breadcrumbs (with KnpMenuBundle)
- Upload images (with VichUploaderBundle) and resize it to thumbnails (with AvalancheImagineBundle)
- PHPUnit tests

Expand All @@ -49,4 +40,4 @@ Issues and feature requests are tracked in the [Github issue tracker](https://gi
When reporting a bug, it may be a good idea to reproduce it in a basic project
built using the [Symfony Standard Edition](
to allow developers of the bundle to reproduce the issue by simply cloning it
and following some steps.
and following some steps.
69 changes: 52 additions & 17 deletions Resources/doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,44 +1,48 @@
Getting Started With PortfolioBundle
Getting Started With StfalconPortfolioBundle

Simple small bundle for simple site portfolio
Simple bundle for site portfolio

## Prerequisites

This version of the bundle requires:

1. Symfony >= 2.1
2. LiipFunctionalTestBundle for testing
3. DoctrineFixturesBundle for fixtures
2. LiipFunctionalTestBundle for testing (optional)
3. DoctrineFixturesBundle for fixtures (optional)
4. SonataAdminBundle for administering
5. VichUploaderBundle for uploads
6. StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle for timestamps
7. KnpPaginatorBundle for automate pagination

## Bundle features

## Installation

Installation is a quick 4 step process:

1. Add PortfolioBundle in your composer.json
2. Enable the Bundle
3. Import PortfolioBundle routing
4. Configure a pagination
1. Add StfalconPortfolioBundle in your composer.json
2. Enable the bundle
3. Import bundle routing
4. Configure bundle
5. Update your database schema

### Step 1: Add PortfolioBundle in your composer.json
### Step 1: Add StfalconPortfolioBundle in your composer.json

"require": {
"stfalcon/portfolio-bundle": "*"
"stfalcon/portfolio-bundle": "dev-master"

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:

``` bash
$ php composer.phar update stfalcon/portfolio-bundle

Composer will install the bundle to your project's `vendor/stfalcon` directory.

### Step 2: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:
Expand All @@ -52,11 +56,30 @@ public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Stfalcon\Bundle\PortfolioBundle\StfalconPortfolioBundle(),

// for use VichUploaderBundle
new Vich\UploaderBundle\VichUploaderBundle(),

// for use KnpMenuBundle
new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(),

// for use KnpPaginatorBundle
new Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(),

// for use StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle
new Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle(),

// for use SonataAdminBundle
new Sonata\CacheBundle\SonataCacheBundle(),
new Sonata\BlockBundle\SonataBlockBundle(),
new Sonata\AdminBundle\SonataAdminBundle(),
new Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle(),
new Sonata\jQueryBundle\SonatajQueryBundle(),

### Step 3: Import PortfolioBundle routing
### Step 3: Import StfalconPortfolioBundle routing

Now that you have installed and activated the bundle, all that is left to do is
to set the StfalconPortfolioBundle and SonataAdminBundle routings.
Expand All @@ -68,7 +91,7 @@ In YAML:
resource: "@StfalconPortfolioBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
[Routing in SonataAdminBundle](
[See more info about routing in SonataAdminBundle](
Expand All @@ -78,12 +101,20 @@ In YAML:
``` yaml
# app/config/config.yml
# Sonata Configuration
default_contexts: [cms]
contexts: [admin]

# DoctrineExtensionsBundle
default_locale: en_US
timestampable: true

db_driver: orm
Expand All @@ -101,5 +132,9 @@ Run the following command.

``` bash
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php app/console assets:install
Now that you have completed the installation and configuration of the PortfolioBundle!
At this point you can already access the admin dashboard by visiting the url: http://yoursite.local/admin/dashboard.
[Getting started with SonataAdminBundle](

Now that you have completed the installation and configuration of the StfalconPortfolioBundle!

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