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Project Alek

App for allocating resources when there is limited supply. Written in Flutter with a Firebase backend.


You can choose whatever IDE you'd like, but we'd recommend Android Studio. Some plugins (not used here) may require a Jetbrains account. You can download AS here.

After cloning the project, open team-justice-in-alloc in Android Studio. It should install virtual phones for you. If you don't have Flutter and Dart plugins already, you can add those by going to File > Settings > Plugins and adding Flutter. It will automatically add Dart at this point.

note - this does not install the SDK's for the corresponding software. Here are some links to help you get that. You will also need the latest version of Java installed. FLutter SDK Java You also don't explicitly need to install Dart SDK as that comes with the new Flutter SDK, but it's included here just in case.

For a missing AVD (Android Virtual Device) install, check here.

If you are running an AMD CPU, your virtualization may be turned OFF by default. To turn it on, check here.

Once all the plugins are installed and you have an AVD setup, you should be able to build the project.

If you run into where Android License Status is Unknown. Here's a solution that worked for me

Getting started

The Magic CLI words to get you started.

Check to make sure you have everything: flutter doctor

Your basic 'get' (imagine npm install): flutter pub get

Your basic 'run' (imagine npm serve): flutter run

Run on chrome: flutter run -d chrome

helpful hints: if your system isn't recognizing flutter commands, try following the steps here

Connecting to the API

Api endpoints coming soon...

Staging deployment

Production deployment

Flutter resources and documentation

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.