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Important things you should know about Event Organiser


Contributors: stephenh1988

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Requires at least: 3.3

Create and maintain events, including complex reoccurring patterns, venue management (with Google maps), calendars and customisable event lists


Event Organiser adds event management that integrates well with your WordPress site. By using WordPress' in-built 'custom post type', this plug-in allows you to create events that have the same functionality as posts, while adding further features that allow you to manage your events. This includes the possibility of repeating your event according to complex schedules and assign your events to venues. This can all be done through an intuitive user interface, which allows your to view your events in the familiar WordPress list or view all occurrences of your events in a calendar page in the amin area.

Requires WordPress 3.3 or higher


  • Adds an event custom post type that fits naturally into WordPress and allows for all the functionality of 'posts'.
  • Create one-time events or reoccuring events.
  • Allows complex reoccuring patterns for events. You can create events that last an arbirtary time, and repeat over a specified period. Events can repeat daily through to yearly, allowing complex schedules such as 'On the third Tuesday of every fourth month' or 'Every month on the 16th'.
  • Venue admin page to add and maintain the venues for your events, with Google maps support to display a map of the venue and a fully-featured content editor.
  • The Calendar widget displays a calendar (identical to the standard WordPress Calendar) that highlights events with links to the events archive page, listing events occuring that day.
  • The Event List widget outputs a list of events, and allows you to specify the number of events, restrict to event categories or venues and their order etc.
  • The Event Agent widget.
  • The Calendar and Event List shortcodes, similiar to their respective widgets, for use in themes or in posts and pages.
  • Shortcode to dislay a public version of the admin 'full calendar'.
  • The Venue map shortcodes to display a map of a venue.
  • Custom permissions allow to specifiy which roles have the ability to create, edit and delete events or manage venues.
  • Template pages include in the plug-in for 'quick-start'. These can be over-ridden by including the appropriately named template files in your theme folder.
  • Event functions available which extend the post functions (e.g. the_title(),get_the_author(), the_author()) to ouput or return event data (the start date-time, the venue etc). For examples of their use see the documentation or the included template files.
  • Assign events to categories and tags, and view events by category or tag.
  • Color-coded event categories.
  • Venue pages, to view events by venue.
  • Export/import events to and from ICAL files.
  • Delete individual occurrences of events.
  • Public events feed: allow visitors to subscribe to your events.
  • Supports 'pretty permalinks' for event pages, event archives, event category and venue pages.
  • (Optionally) automatically delete expired events.


A big thank you to those who have provided translations for Event Organiser


Installation is standard and straight forward.

  1. Upload event-organiser folder (and all it's contents!) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Check the settings sub-page of the Events menu

Frequently Asked Questions

= What is an event? = An event, as far has WordPress concerned, is just a (custom-type) post. This means an event has content, an author, publication data (this is the date the event was made public, not the dates on which it occurs) etc. However, also associated with an event is a sequence of dates – these are the occurrences of the event.

In displaying events, in say the event archives, WordPress displays duplicates of an event (one for each occurrence) and associates with each of these occurrences their respective start date and end date. What about the single event page?

Importantly, this means that WordPress has only one page for an event, i.e. all occurrences point to the same event page. This is important to realize if you are customizing your single event page template.

The dates associated with the single event page are in fact the dates corresponding to the first occurrence of that date.

= How to create an event =

Events behave very similarly to standard posts. To create a event, select the 'Add New' submenu from 'Events' menu. The chief difference between events and post is the 'Event Details' metabox which sets the date and venue data related to the event.

You can also add events in the Calendar view in a manner similiar to Google Calendar. By selecting one (or multiple) days (in month mode) or times (in week/day mode) you can create an event that spans the selected period.

= How do I display events? =

Events are automatically displayed on the events page: try (If you have permalinks enabled these will have 'prettier' versions). Similarly, ?event-category= would display events of a specfied category, and ?venue=, events at specified venue. FInally ?event= will show the specified event.

Each of the above have their own associated template. These template files are present in the template sub-directory of the Event-Organiser plug-in folder. To override the default templates, simply create the appropriately named files in your theme directory.

The plug-in also provides the following widgets:

  • Event list - list events allows with options to filter by venue, categories and dates.
  • Calendar - display a calendar, similiar to the WordPress calendar, that displays your events.
  • Agenda - displays your events in a list grouped by date and navigated with AJAX.

and, among others, the following shortcodes:

  • Event list & Widget Calendar - shortcode versions of their widget counterparts.
  • Full calendar - a calendar, similiar to the admin calendar, with optional month, week and day views and category and venue filters

Finally, the plug-in provides a function eo_get_events which is similiar to WordPress' get_posts. The function returns an array of post objects (where the posts are events), and this can be used to display events through editing your theme. The usual WordPress functions for display associated information (author, title etc) are still available to you, and the plug-in provides a similar set of functions to display event related data (dates, venues etc). See the documentation.

= What ShortCodes are available? =

Event Organiser provides the following shortcodes:

  • [eo_events] - displays a list of events allows with options to filter by venue, categories and dates.
  • [eo_calendar] - displays a widget-calendar of your events, similiar to WordPress' calendar, and navigated with AJAX.
  • [eo_fullcalendar] - displays a calendar, similiar to the admin calendar, with optional month, week and day views and category and venue filters.
  • [eo_venue_map] - displays a Google map of the current venue, or of a particular venue given as an attribute.
  • [eo_subscribe] - wraps the content in a link which allows visitors to subscribe to your events; there are two types: 'Google' and 'Webcal'.