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Known Issues

Stefan Uebe edited this page May 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

Startup issue when using webpack (Vaadin 14-23)

You may encounter a TypeScript compilation issue, when using the addon in Vaadin 14 (and later versions with webpack), e.g.

ERROR in ../node_modules/@vaadin/flow-frontend/vaadin-full-calendar/full-calendar.ts?babel-target=es6
Module build failed (from ../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/ts-loader/index.js):
Error: TypeScript emitted no output for ...

This seems to be a webpack issue, that we cannot fix.

To overcome this issue, simply modify your tsconfig.json and add the following line to the "include" array "node_modules/@vaadin/flow-frontend/vaadin-full-calendar/*.ts", so that it looks something like this

  // ... other things
  "include": [
  // ... other things

For details see:

Multiline events drag & drop cause the scrollbar to lost position

The problem appear when you remove the events and add them back, when you remove all the events from the calendar it resize it-self. When the calendar has no events, it is much shorter which explains why the scroll position is changing.

Take a look here for a workaround

Another good way to fix it is to provide the resources/events as JSON feed and refetch the events instead of removing and adding them back

Calendar crashes when clicking (V14+)

For some, currently unknown reason, sizing a calendar after the view has changed manually on a newly created calendar lets the calendar crash, when clicking inside somewhere. I have no idea, why that is so. Please see for details and progress.

Build problems / JS (client side) errors (V14+)

It might be, that the transitive dependencies are not resolved correctly. This mostly happens in Spring Boot due to its built in class path scanning, which is adapted by Vaadin.

Please ensure, that, if you are using the vaadin.whitelist property, that it lists the addon's package org.vaadin.stefan (or simply org.vaadin).

If you are not using any whitelist / blacklist in the properties and still have the issue, please check, if you have added the @EnableVaadin annotation to your Spring application class. If that is the case, check, if there are packages listed. If yes, add the package org.vaadin.stefan to it.

If the annotation is not added or added without any parameter and the issue occur, please add the package org.vaadin.stefan plus other necessary package, that have to be scanned, as parameters.

This should enable Spring to analyze all relevant npm dependencies at runtime. Other CDI version should work the same.