Welcome to Celebration Brewing
As a business owner, I want users to understand my location, beer offerings, company history and contact methods.
It is desired my beer offerings stay up-to-date based on inventory on untappd.com/celebrationbrewing.
It is desired users can submit their email address for newsletter distribution.
It is desired a user can leave feedback & choose to be contacted via email. As an admin, I want to be able to login and view all feedback.
Material UI
untappd API
After cloning this repository, run 'npm install' for dependencies.
Create a '.env' file with your MySQL port, username, password and untappd API key.
Schema and seeds files are available and should be executed prior to application use via 'npm run seeds'. Look for 'brewery_db' and three tables (feedback/admin/user) to verify file successfully ran.
To run the application, enter 'npm start' inside terminal.
Events calendar
Updated imagery of construction process & grand-opening
Shopify shop for merchandise sales
Food & Beverage menu & online ordering