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"Auto-sklearn for chemistry" - train and run machine-learned classifiers for molecular classification tasks.

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"Auto-Sklearn for Chemistry".


Train and run machine-learned classifiers for molecular classification tasks; for example, predict properties like solubility, atomization energies, or biological affinities in QSAR projects.

The general purpose is to "throw anything easily computable at the wall and see what sticks". Molecules are input in the form of SMILES strings. From these, different types of fingerprints (fixed-sized vectors) can be computed using RDKit. Model training is based on classifiers based on scikit-learn or xgboost. More advanced representations (e.g., graph convolutions) or ML models (e.g., deep neural nets) are not supported. However, the package does automate hyper-parameter optimization for the supported model types.

The project supplies two scripts:

  • Train a scikit-learn or xgboost model
  • Generate predictions for an input file with a previously trained model

Please see the demo directory for a usage example.

For one run, a single fingerprinting method and multiple learning methods can be specified, which are applied in turn. When multiple fingerprints are specified, e.g., -fpType ecfp4,prop, their union is fed to the classifier. Outputs, including cross validation results, optimization results, plots, and pickled model file, are written under directory experiments/.

Hyper-parameter optimization by random search can be triggered by adding the suffix _optim to the classifier name. If the number of optimization iterations (--optimIter) exceeds 70% of the parameter space, the script automatically switches to exhaustive grid search. Suffix _optim2 additionally finds a local minimum by optimizing each hyper-parameter individually and sequentially. Best parameters are stored in the output directory, and by default are re-used if they exist (by checking in the output directory or the current directory as a backup).

In general, there are many possible ways to tune the decision threshold for a classifier. In this project, it is done by limiting the expected false positive rate (-maxFPR). This threshold is estimated by holding out a fraction of the training data (--validFrac).

There are a couple of command line parameters related to dealing with sub-categories of training data; one use case is to combine a large public data set with a smaller but more important proprietary data set. To increase the weight of this subset, we add an indicator column -weightCat in the input data, and assign a higher weight using -catToSampleWeight. Additionally, if we are interested in the cross validation results only on the subset, we use the -testFilterCat option. Note that if a --weightCat is specified, cross validation is stratified with respect to it (in addition to the target column, as usual). uses configargparse, so all options can be supplied in a configuation file.

usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--outDir DIR] [--logDir DIR]
                          [--cacheDir DIR] --data FILE [--smilesCol SMILESCOL]
                          --targetCol TARGETCOL [--fpType FPTYPE] [--fpSize N]
                          [--methods METHODS] [--maxFPR MAXFPR]
                          [--weightCat WEIGHTCAT]
                          [--catToSampleWeight CATTOSAMPLEWEIGHT]
                          [--testFilterCat TESTFILTERCAT] [--cv N]
                          [--cvJobs N] [--validFrac F] [--seed N]
                          [--resultsOverwrite N] [--optimScoring OPTIMSCORING]
                          [--optimIter N] [--optimCV N] [--optimOverwrite N]
                          [--optimJobs N] [--logToFile N] [--cachePipeline N]
                          [--refit N] [--saveComment SAVECOMMENT]
                          [--svmCacheMemFrac F] [--verbose N]

train and evaluate a molecular classifier according to several choices of
fingerprint and learning methods.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       config file path (default: None)
  --outDir DIR          output directory for training results (model file,
                        cross validation and optimization metrics, plots,
                        variable importance) (default: experiments)
  --logDir DIR          output directory for log files (default: logs)
  --cacheDir DIR        pipeline cache directory (default: cache)
  --data FILE           training data, must contain a smiles and a label
                        column (default: None)
  --smilesCol SMILESCOL
                        name of column containing the input smiles (default:
  --targetCol TARGETCOL
                        name of column containing the targets (default: None)
  --fpType FPTYPE       type of fingerprint ['ecfp4', 'ecfp6', 'ecfp12',
                        'maccs', 'daylight', 'ap', 'torsion', 'prop']; prop =
                        rdkit molecular descriptors. Multiple elements mean
                        their UNION is used, not sequentially. (default:
  --fpSize N            fingerprint size (default: 2048)
  --methods METHODS     ml methods. Note: ada and gp crash on larger data
                        sets. Add suffix _optim to do hyperparameter
                        optimization; _optim2 with additional stage of local
                        optimization (changing one parameter at a time).
                        (default: rf,gbm,lr,svm_lin,svm_poly,svm_rbf,svm_sig,n
  --maxFPR MAXFPR       false positive rate that is acceptable for threshold
                        tuning (default: 0.2)
  --weightCat WEIGHTCAT
                        integer column for categories of sample weights (see
                        catToSampleWeight). Used for cross validation
                        stratification. (default: )
                        mapping of categories to sample weights
                        (cat1=w1,cat2=w2,..) (default: )
  --testFilterCat TESTFILTERCAT
                        use only this category for test set evaluation
                        (default: -1)
  --cv N                number of cross validation folds (default: 5)
  --cvJobs N            number of cpus to use for cross validation (default:
  --validFrac F         Fraction of training data to hold out for threshold
                        tuning (default: 0.2)
  --seed N              random seed (default: 42)
  --resultsOverwrite N  Overwrite previous results (default: 0)
  --optimScoring OPTIMSCORING
                        scoring function for hyperparameter optimization
                        (default: average_precision)
  --optimIter N         number of iterations for hyperparameter optimization
                        (default: 100)
  --optimCV N           number of CV folds for hyperparameter optimization
                        (default: 3)
  --optimOverwrite N    If zero and previous optimization results exists, use
                        it (default: 1)
  --optimJobs N         number of cpus to use for hyperparameter optimization
                        (default: -1)
  --logToFile N         log to file (default: 1)
  --cachePipeline N     use cached pipelines (default: 1)
  --refit N             refit final model on all data, save to .pkl file, and
                        calculate variable importance (default: 0)
  --saveComment SAVECOMMENT
                        comment to store in refit model (default: )
  --svmCacheMemFrac F   maximum percentage of total memory to use for svm
                        training. Crucial for svm training speed. (default:
  --verbose N           verbose logging [0 - no logging; 1 - info, no
                        libraries; 2 - including libraries; 3 - debug
                        (default: 1)

Apply a trained model to a smiles file. Input can be single-or-multi-column file with or without header, or can be read from stdin in a unix pipe.

Example call: -m models/model_dmso.pkl.xz data/example.smi

usage: [-h] -m MODELFILE [-H N] [-d DELIMITER] [-s N]
                            [-b N] [-D {0,1}]
                            [PATH [PATH ...]]

apply a trained model to a smiles file.

positional arguments:
  PATH                  input files to score, containing smiles

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        pkl file of trained model
  -H N, --header N      does the input file contain a header line?
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        delimiter in input file
  -s N, --smilesCol N   input column containing the smiles string
  -b N, --batchMode N   for speed, read whole input and score in batch. To
                        skip individual lines with invalid smiles, use 0.
  -D {0,1}, --describeModelAndExit {0,1}
                        only print model info without scoring


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