ELVE is a novel interactive open source desktop application for
visualisation of logic circuits. The current state of the tool offers basic
features for visualising circuits and provides a mechanism for easy
extension through plug-ins in order to fit the user’s needs. The
interactive user interface allows the user to change how the circuit is
visualised, as well as to compress, highlight or extract some logic for
analysing the circuit. The proposed tool can be used to better understand
the effects of the developed algorithms in research projects, for
educational purposes, as well as for generating figures for technical
Check the DUHDe'17 paper for more details.
The following software is required in order to build and use ELVE.
- Qt (5.7 or later)
- boost (1.60 or later)
- g++ (6.2.0 or later)
- libstdc++6 (for full c++11 support)
To download Qt, follow the instructions on Qt website.
In Ubuntu Qt and the other packages can be installed with the following commands.
sudo apt-get install build-essential git libboost-all-dev g++-6 libstdc++6
sudo apt-get install qt5-default qtcreator libqt5svg5-dev
The easiest way to build and run ELVE is using Qt Creator.
First, open the elve.pro project file. One way to do this is to select Open File or Project... from the File menu, and then open the file elve.pro from ELVE's folder. Next, press on Configure Project. Now, you can build and run ELVE by selecting the Run option from the Build menu.
Alternatively, you can build ELVE with your preferred tool using qmake (qmake documentation).
# from elve directory
mkdir build
cd build
qmake CONFIG+=release ..
# add sudo only if you want ELVE to be installed system wide
sudo make install
# system wide usage :
# local
cd Elve
Usage of ELVE is best described in Elve wiki First Steps.
Would you like to write your own plugin? Take a look at the wiki.
ELVE is developed and maintained by the Processor Architecture Lab, EPFL.
You can contact us at [email protected].