What's new
Added a smartypants
modifier and Html::smartypants()
method. #2689
What's improved
Danish and Dutch translations have been updated. #2693 #2691
What's fixed
A bunch of taxonomy cache fixes. Listed below for good measure. #2686
Prevent taxonomy terms hanging around after you delete them. #1349
Prevent taxonomy terms showing the slug instead of the title. #1982
Prevent an undefined offset error when creating terms. #2020
Entry-term assocation is actually removed when expected. #1870
Prevent terms being displayed as the ID when you create new ones on an entry.
An empty taxonomy parameter no longer tries to filter. #2672
Entries and Terms fieldtypes will show all results in select mode (instead of just the first paginated page). #1727
Entries fieldtype will show localized entries in select and typehead modes. #1835
Prevent changing publish status from wiping out the origin. #2451
YAML content should be null if it's just whitespace #2677
Delete Eloquent user through the repository. da9335936 #2697
Fixed variable name in down migration #2676
Updated docs urls 898889ce5
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