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Detailed instructions on how to deploy Uniswap on an Ethereum compatible blockchain


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//** Please note this is a draft and this code is under heavy development. Not to be used in production **

How to deploy Uniswap


The code in this section is packaged up into a single ./utils/ file for your convenience. Below are the details of all of the ./utils/ commands for your understanding.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install npm
npm install fs
npm install web3
npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider
sudo apt-get install apache2
# install Yarn
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Update version of node

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Clone the Uniswap Interface code using Git.

cd ~
git clone

Change into the Uniswap Interface directory.

cd ~
cd uniswap-interface

Now, whilst in the ~/uniswap-interface directory, clone the "How To Install Uniswap" code using Git.

git clone

Change into the how_to_deploy_uniswap/ directory.

cd how_to_deploy_uniswap/


Create 3 Ethereum compatible addresses using any method that you are comfortable with i.e. web3js etc.

Now paste the private and public keys of those addresses into the installation_data.json file as shown below.

vi ~/uniswap-interface/how_to_deploy_uniswap/installation_data.json

Here is an example of the private_key and public_key sections of that file.

  "private_key": {
    "alice": "your_new_key_here",
    "bob": "your_new_key_here",
    "charlie": "your_new_key_here"
  "public_key": {
    "alice": "your_new_key_here",
    "bob": "your_new_key_here",
    "charlie": "your_new_key_here"

You will need to fund these accounts with network tokens. So depending on your network, please go ahead and send at least 20 network tokens (from a Faucet etc.) to all three of these accounts.

Now place the RPC URL to your Ethereum compatible network in that same installation_data.json file.

vi ~/uniswap-interface/how_to_deploy_uniswap/installation_data.json

Here is an example of the rpc_endpoint section of that file.

"provider": {
	"rpc_endpoint": "http://rpc_url:port"


Now run the Uniswap V1 smart contract installer.

cd ~/uniswap-interface/how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_v1
node deploy_uniswap_v1.js

If you open the ../installation_data.json file, you will see that the Uniswap V1 contract addresses and the Alice and Bob (ERC20 and ERC20 Exchange) addresses have been automatically filled in.

"contract_address": {
    "uniswap_factory": "0x2DF5e651be537bB564005340EA5D8f6fA763b530",
    "weth": "",
    "uniswap_exchange_template": "0x68Fc886B0ca3D65AE8Ad21Fde01d8C4E2AD9d86c",
    "alice_exchange": "0x4A8f21726434951f5C1baA0F067d50fdA2a297e2",
    "bob_exchange": "0x61d82A90455EC7cDEdF7cF7F5267c0aF6657c626",
    "alice_erc20_token": "0x240Fc9370709bad1F4402186701C76e36a20848b",
    "bob_erc20_token": "0x09cB0AE6dddF68Aaad81b8f6B83c30dfdaA65b48",
    "uniswap_v2": "",
    "multicall": "",
    "migrator": "",
    "router": "",
    "ens_registry": "",
    "unisocks": ""


Now run the Uniswap V2 smart contract installation script.

cd ~/uniswap-interface/how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_v2

Important Warning

The feeToSetter has been hard-coded to the Charlie account inside the deploy_uniswap_v2.js script (that you are about to run). The feeToSetter is the account that is responsible for future profit that result from trades. This account is set to Charlie for demonstration purposes only. If you are running this script, you are responsible for correctly setting the feeToSetter account up and managing its private keys.

node deploy_uniswap_v2.js

Congratulations, the smart contracts are all deployed. You will see that all of the contract addresses in the installation_data.json file have been filled out.

"contract_address": {
	"uniswap_factory": "0x2DF5e651be537bB564005340EA5D8f6fA763b530",
	"weth": "0x043c7D26e381CB1bb025b4CE0A6E0C63D7767866",
	"uniswap_exchange_template": "0x68Fc886B0ca3D65AE8Ad21Fde01d8C4E2AD9d86c",
	"alice_exchange": "0x4A8f21726434951f5C1baA0F067d50fdA2a297e2",
	"bob_exchange": "0x61d82A90455EC7cDEdF7cF7F5267c0aF6657c626",
	"alice_erc20_token": "0x240Fc9370709bad1F4402186701C76e36a20848b",
	"bob_erc20_token": "0x09cB0AE6dddF68Aaad81b8f6B83c30dfdaA65b48",
	"uniswap_v2": "0x0fA47ae2b7Dee29571678580BBe9A8A88436E393",
	"multicall": "0x50F0463B01119Aa954ce40a7f21ecf4573E7605a",
	"migrator": "0x3cBe562Fd434aF61601937895000A91D014a49e7",
	"router": "0x5c192a0155D504772F3bc2689aF69116E098ECAa",
	"ens_registry": "0xA07e2676495eEDEdb5A50b9ba020Ba3A98f87D4E"


Now change into the uniswap_interface directory.

cd ~/uniswap-interface/how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_interface

Now run the script


Change back to the Uniswap directory so we can build the application.

cd ~/uniswap-interface/

An ls should look like this (no build folder yet)

LICENSE  cypress  cypress.json  how_to_deploy_uniswap  node_modules  package.json  public  src  tsconfig.json  yarn.lock

Build the application's dependencies using the following command.


Chain id changes (optional)

ChainID Please note: the chainId for each network is actuall set inside the Uniswap SDK's code You may not need/want to change this but if you do i.e. you are using chainId 2 instead of 1 please perform the following tasks

Open the how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_interface/ file and edit the one_to_two and one_to_two_II and new_value and new_value_II variables to suite your situation i.e. changing from chainId 1 to 2 would look like this.

one_to_two = "MAINNET = 1"
one_to_two_II = "chainId\:\"1\""
one_to_two_III = "chainId:1"
one_to_two_IV ="1: 'mainnet'"

new_value = "MAINNET = 2"
new_value_II = "chainId\:\"2\""
new_value_III = "chainId:2"
new_value_IV = "2: 'mainnet'"

Be sure to escape / and . and : (as shown above) because these will break the command when executed.

Now run this file


In addition to the above change, if your chainId is not standard i.e. your mainnet is not 1, then you must also modify the export declare const WETH section of the node_modules/@uniswap/sdk/dist/entities/token.d.ts file. The first position in this enum 1: Token; represents the MAINNET so go ahead and change it to suit your needs. In our case 1: Token;

export declare const WETH: {
    1: Token;
    3: Token;
    4: Token;
    5: Token;
    42: Token;

In addition to the above change, again if your chainId is not standard then go ahead and also update the src/utils/index.ts file in the following two places i.e. 1: '', and ETHERSCAN_PREFIXES[1]

const ETHERSCAN_PREFIXES: { [chainId in ChainId]: string } = {
  1: '',
  3: 'ropsten.',
  4: 'rinkeby.',
  5: 'goerli.',
  42: 'kovan.'
const prefix = `https://${ETHERSCAN_PREFIXES[chainId] || ETHERSCAN_PREFIXES[1]}`

In addition to the above change, another file in the Uniswap Interface source code specifies supportedChainIds. If your chainId is not in the list then add it like this vi src/connectors/index.ts

export const injected = new InjectedConnector({
  supportedChainIds: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 42]

In that same file, also change the 1 to your chainId in line 14 i.e.

export const NETWORK_CHAIN_ID: number = parseInt(process.env.REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID ?? '1')

Hopefully you did not have to change the chainId. If you are all set then go ahead and build the Uniswap Interface application

Disable Unisocks (Optional)

This Unisocks contract, this other Uniswap contract and the hard-coded Unisocks metadata are deployed against real-world assets (socks) and therefore it makes no sense to include this in the build. In order to disable the Unisocks component of this build we need to do the following updates to the code.


  • Comment out the import UNISOCKS_ABI from '../constants/abis/unisocks.json' line in the src/hooks/useContract.ts file

  • Comment out the useSocksController section of the ./src/hooks/useContract.ts file

export function useSocksController(): Contract | null {
  const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React()
  return useContract(
    chainId === ChainId.MAINNET ? '0x65770b5283117639760beA3F867b69b3697a91dd' : undefined,


  • mv src/hooks/useSocksBalance.ts src/hooks/useSocksBalance.ts.orig


  • Comment out import { useHasSocks } from '../../hooks/useSocksBalance' and const hasSocks = useHasSocks() which are in the src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx file
  • Also comment out this block of code
const SOCK = (
  <span role="img" aria-label="has socks emoji" style={{ marginTop: -4, marginBottom: -4 }}>

from the src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx file

  • Also delete the {hasSocks ? SOCK : null} line of code which is also in the src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx file

Environment variables

Open the .env and .env.production files and update the REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID and the REACT_APP_NETWORK_URL to suite your needs.

Change the hard-coded RPC

Open the how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_interface/ file and edit the following variables to suite your needs.

infura = "https\:\/\/mainnet\.infura\.io\/v3\/faa4639b090f46499f29d894da0551a0"
new_rpc = "http\:\/\/oasis-ssvm-demo\.secondstate\.io\:8545"

Be sure to escape / and . and : (as shown above) because these will break the command when executed.

Now run this script



Modify any addresses which are lurking in dependencies etc.

cd how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_interface/ && python3
cd ../../
yarn run build

This will generate a new build directory as well as some new files, as shown below.

  450.29 KB  build/static/js/4.047da443.chunk.js
  276.48 KB  build/static/js/5.5c7ecd7f.chunk.js
  155.14 KB  build/static/js/9.1f17fe1e.chunk.js
  95.38 KB   build/static/js/main.38d70569.chunk.js
  67.14 KB   build/static/js/0.1e3e94eb.chunk.js
  66.33 KB   build/static/js/6.e890ef53.chunk.js
  6.56 KB    build/static/js/1.5f3a35e8.chunk.js
  1.24 KB    build/static/js/runtime-main.c8bb7174.js
  907 B      build/static/css/4.996ad921.chunk.css
  165 B      build/static/js/8.81f9e545.chunk.js
  164 B      build/static/js/7.494e051e.chunk.js

You will remember that we just ran the script. We are now going to run that again (but this time, over the build folder, which the above build command just created). This is just to make sure that there are no addresses which relate to the original Uniswap source code (but rather our newly created contract addresses).

cd how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_interface/ && python3

Now run the again also.


If you are modifying the chainId (if you did the work above), please run this again.

WARNING only run this if you are using a different chainId !


Now, we return to the Uniswap directory to copy the modified build files over to our Apache2 server, where they will be deployed for the end users.

cd ../../ && sudo cp -rp build/* /var/www/html/ && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart



If code changes are made in the source files (i.e. a console.log statement etc.), the following command is a one-stop-shop for a restart

yarn run build && cd how_to_deploy_uniswap/uniswap_interface/ && python3 && cd ../../ && sudo cp -rp build/* /var/www/html/ && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

v1 For official information, please see the official documentation of Uniswap V1

V2 For official information, please see the official documentation of Uniswap V2


Detailed instructions on how to deploy Uniswap on an Ethereum compatible blockchain







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  • JavaScript 50.0%
  • Solidity 25.6%
  • Python 23.3%
  • Shell 1.1%