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UX Form Collection

Symfony UX Form collection is a Symfony bundle providing light UX for collection in Symfony Forms.


UX Form Collection requires PHP 7.2+ and Symfony 4.4+.

Install this bundle using Composer and Symfony Flex:

composer require stakovicz/ux-collection

# Don't forget to install the JavaScript dependencies as well and compile
yarn install --force
yarn encore dev

Also make sure you have at least version 2.0 of @symfony/stimulus-bridge in your package.json file.

You need to select the right theme from the one you are using :

# config/packages/twig.yaml
  # For bootstrap for example
  form_themes: ['@FormCollection/form_theme_div.html.twig']

You have 2 different themes :

  • @FormCollection/form_theme_div.html.twig
  • @FormCollection/form_theme_table.html.twig

Check the Symfony doc for the different ways to set themes in Symfony.


The most common usage of Form Collection is to use it as a replacement of the native CollectionType class:

// ...
use Symfony\UX\FormCollection\Form\CollectionType;

class BlogFormType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            // ...
            ->add('comments', CollectionType::class, [
                // ...
                'button_add' => [
                     // Default text for the add button
                    'text' => 'Add',    
                    // Default attr class for the add button
                    'attr' => ['class' => 'btn btn-outline-primary'] 
                'button_delete' => [
                    // Default text for the delete button
                    'text' => 'Remove',    
                    // Default class for the delete button
                    'attr' => ['class' => 'btn btn-outline-secondary']    
            // ...

    // ...

Extend the default behavior

Symfony UX Form Collection allows you to extend its default behavior using a custom Stimulus controller:

// mycollection_controller.js

import { Controller } from 'stimulus';

export default class extends Controller {
    connect() {
        this.element.addEventListener('collection:pre-connect', this._onPreConnect);
        this.element.addEventListener('collection:connect', this._onConnect);
        this.element.addEventListener('collection:pre-add', this._onPreAdd);
        this.element.addEventListener('collection:add', this._onAdd);
        this.element.addEventListener('collection:pre-delete', this._onPreDelete);
        this.element.addEventListener('collection:delete', this._onDelete);

    disconnect() {
        // You should always remove listeners when the controller is disconnected to avoid side effects
        this.element.removeEventListener('collection:pre-connect', this._onPreConnect);
        this.element.removeEventListener('collection:connect', this._onConnect);

    _onPreConnect(event) {
        // The collection is not yet connected
        console.log(event.detail.allowAdd);    // Access to the allow_add option of the form 
        console.log(event.detail.allowDelete); // Access to the allow_delete option of the form

    _onConnect(event) {
        // Same as collection:pre-connect event

    _onPreAdd(event) {
        console.log(event.detail.index);   // Access to the curent index will be added 
        console.log(event.detail.element); // Access to the element will be added

    _onAdd(event) {
        // Same as collection:pre-add event

    _onPreDelete(event) {
        console.log(event.detail.index);   // Access to the index will be removed 
        console.log(event.detail.element); // Access to the elemnt will be removed

    _onDelete(event) {
        // Same as collection:pre-delete event

Then in your render call, add your controller as an HTML attribute:

            // ...
            ->add('comments', UXCollectionType::class, [
                // ...
                'attr' => [
                    // Change the controller name 
                    'data-controller' => 'mycollection' 