Completed in 7 days as a capstone project for Dev Bootcamp, this mobile-first single-page web app allows travelers, or "gnomads," to connect with city residents, or "localhosts," in order to have an authentic local experience of their travel destination.
Uses a Ruby on Rails back-end, React front-end, Facebook OAuth for third-party authentication, Action Cable for real-time chats, and Semantic UI for a clean, responsive design.
Deployed on Heroku here.
- Stacy Curry | stacurry
- Joe LeBeau | joelebeau1
- Tové Mercer | tovemercer
- Katrina Sabbak | ksabbak
- Simon Swartzman | rtzm
Note: this application is deployed on Heroku here, but if you would like to download and run the application locally, you can do so with the following steps:
clone & navigate to this repository:
$ git clone
$ cd gnomad
install required dependencies:
$ bundle install
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ cd ..
set up database:
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake db:seed
start servers:
$ bundle exec rake start