Peripheral EOSIO smart contracts for interacting with SovDex exchange
#include <sx.sovdex/sovdex.hpp>
#include <sx.uniswap/uniswap.hpp>
// user input
const asset quantity = asset{10000, symbol{"EOS", 4}};
const symbol_out = symbol{"SVX", 4}};
// get sovdex info
const auto [ reserve_in, reserve_out ] = sovdex::get_reserves( quantity.symbol, symbol_out );
const uint8_t fee = sovdex::get_fee();
// calculate out price
const asset out = uniswap::get_amount_out( quantity, reserves_in, reserves_out, fee );
// => "2.6500 USDT"
Get reserves for a pair
{symbol} symbol_in
- symbol to convert from{symbol} symbol_out
- symbol to convert to
{pair<asset, asset>}
- pair of reserve assets
const symbol from = symbol{"EOS", 4};
const symbol to = symbol{"SVX", 4};
const auto [reserve0, reserve1] = sovdex::get_reserves( from, to );
// reserve0 => "4585193.1234 EOS"
// reserve1 => "12568203.3533 USDT"
Get SovDex total fee
- total fee (trade + protocol)
const uint8_t fee = sovdex::get_fee();
// => 0