An auxiliary APP for STEPN provides easy user experience and displays professional information.
本輔助APP基於STEPN APP上提供更簡易的體驗與顯示一些專業資訊
- STEPN Assistant NEVER AND EVER modifies any data or process in official STEPN APP
- STEPN Assistant NEVER AND EVER record or save any information from official STEPN APP
- STEPN Assistant NEVER AND EVER transmit anything to outside
- for professional runner:
- display pace, step frequecy, etc.
- GPS accuracy, number of satellite
- Lock screen, screen always on
- Alert under some abnormal situations such as moonwalking
- for newbie:
- Error proofing like user forgot stoping STEPN app
- Translate local language or convert time-zone in announcement
- Alert while player was not walking/running under STEPN APP running
- Settings including on/off switch and reminder duration
- A floating button for lock/unlock screen
- Keep screen always on
- Alert while moonwalking from STEPN APP status
- Alert while energy was run out during STEPN APP running
- Automatically PAUSE while energy was run out during STEPN APP running
- Display running info
- Refine logging system
- Alert while poor GPS signal under STEPN APP running
- Display GPS info
- Pause automatically while player was not walking/running under STEPN APP running
- Pause while poor GPS signal under STEPN APP running
- Hint with a local time from UTC in announcement
- Solona Chain:
- ETH & BSC Chain: