Various disease outbreaks will be simulated to estimate peaks of those outbreaks and to model how outbreaks can vary depending on how much the disease is infectious, deadly, or transmissible. The different scenarios of disease outbreaks will be simulated using variations of the SIR model, and the results will be modeled to identify different peaks in the SIR models for different outbreak scenarios. There are three models of interest - SIR, SIRRS, and SID with alpha, beta, rs, and d probabilities. The four disease outbreak scenarios are not contagious and not deadly (mild), contagious and not deadly, not contagious and deadly, and contagious and deadly. This simulation does not take into account travel restrictions, mask mandates, or any other regulations that could curtail the outbreak.
R: ggplot2
- Sidra_STAT421-simstudy.R: R script for running the simulation study for different disease outbreaks.
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