Proof of concept for running a nonprofit type of organization on Ethereum blockchain.
- Run ganache:
-> this is defined in truffle configuration - Run truffle console:
truffle console
- In truffle console:
- Or use npm scripts for that:
npm run solhint
npm run prettier
npm run compile
npm run test
npm run migrate
npm run console
- Interact with contract in truffle console:
npm run console
let instance = await DaoToken.deployed(); let tokenAddress = instance.address; let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
- Interact with contract using contract ABI json and Web3 library
- Change Web3 provider URI (default provider is ganache
) - Replace contract ABI json after build from build folder to client/src/providers/abi folder
- Replace contract addresses after deployment in vue store
cd client
npm run serve
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.